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The AI-generated image shows anonymous people in a pedestrian zone.
University Medicine Top News Health Services Research

What your home region reveals about your cancer risk

For many types of cancer, the incidence rate is decreasing – but according to a new study some regions are benefiting considerably more from this…

Rebecca Diekmann with a tablet showing the nutrition app.
Top News Health Services Research

Maintaining our independence in old age

Old people and modern technology don’t work well together? Nutritionist Rebecca Diekmann disagrees. She and her team design an app-based system to…

Sechs Stühle, von denen einer die Farben der deutschen und einer der niederändischen Flagge hat.
Top News Health Services Research

Different systems with similar problems

Researchers at the Cross-border institute of healthcare systems and prevention (CBI) are not only studying the healthcare systems in Germany and the…

A younger woman sits at the table with an older woman and explains something to her on the tablet.
Top News Health Services Research

Assitance system to improve older adults' quality of life

Researchers at the University Medicine are developing an app-based assistance system that contributes to healthy living. The challenge: The target…

Six chairs remind of a doctor's waiting room. One has the german, another one has the dutch flag on it.
Top News Health Services Research

German-Dutch collaboration on healthcare research strengthened

An international team will investigate differences in the prescription of antibiotics, standard procedures for patients undergoing surgery, management…

Two students are practicing resuscitation on a manikin.
Campus Life Health Services Research

Expedition into the world of country doctors

From child protection to palliative care: at Oldenburg University's General Practice Summer School, 25 medical students from all over Germany are…

A young woman sits next to a doctor who shows something on a clipboard. The hands are in the center of the picture.
Top News Health Services Research

Should cancer patients participate in tumour conferences?

Only a few breast cancer and gynaecological centres in Germany offer their patients the opportunity to take part in tumour conferences. A new study…

Top News Health Services Research

Targeted fall prevention

Improving assessment of the risk of repeated falls in older adults and providing targeted prevention is the aim of a new research project led by…

Symbolic image: Person with stethoscope in hand.
Research Top News Health Services Research International affairs

Effective health services research beyond national borders

How do the different healthcare systems in Germany and the Netherlands affect the healthcare of individual citizens? In a new project, health…

Music Top News Health Services Research

Music is key

How does music therapy or choir singing reduce depressive symptoms and improve quality of life for dementia patients? This is the focus of a study by…

Research Covid Top News Health Services Research

A mirror of society

Aging and old age affect everyone. Geriatrician Tania Zieschang and philosopher Mark Schweda approach the topic from different perspectives. An…

[Translate to English:]
Covid Top News Health Services Research

Good health care in pandemic times

When the number of people infected with the corona virus rose dramatically in spring, many people did not seek medical care. Here, health care…

Covid Top News Health Services Research

Virtual physiotherapy

Physiotherapy via video conferencing? In the coronavirus crisis, older people in particular have been left with no other option. Scientists at the…

Covid Top News Health Services Research

“Everyone has the same right to life”

The challenges we face in the current pandemic are “unprecedented”, says Mark Schweda, Professor of Medical Ethics. An interview about intensive care…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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