Do you have any requests or suggestions for the Graduate Academy workshop program? Please feel free to contact us!

The third German Postdoc Appreciation Week will take place from September 16-20, 2024. Stay informed here:


Dr. Susanne Elpers
Officer for Early Career Researchers with a focus on Postdocs and Equal Opportunities

+49 (0)441-798 2939

Dr. Julia Anna Matz
Officer for Early Career Researchers  with a focus on Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 4286

Dr. Sandra Wienand
Officer for Early Career Researchers  with a focus on Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 2914


Sabine Osterkamp

+49 (0)441-7984628



Hands-on data management workshop

Research data is an essential part of research in almost all disciplines. Sometimes research data create their own chaos between different versions, different machines, analysis steps, statistics, quality checks and re-analysis.

Data that is securely stored and well described can not only ease your conscience, it can also save time when re-using the data or sharing it with collaborators, and it contributes significantly to transparent research. In doing so, research data management can improve your impact on science.

In this workshop you will learn the basics of research data management (RDM), such as the FAIR principles, the research data lifecycle, open science, data publication, legal aspects of research data and the handling of personal data. You will also gain an insight into the infrastructure at UOL that can help you store your data in the right way and good practices of research data management on your own computer. The workshop will have lecture parts, interactive discussions and hands-on practice on realistic research data.

More information can be found at: or by contacting Johannes Vosskuhl ()

09.07.2024 09:00 – 19.07.2024 13:00

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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