Contact us

Department for Research and Technology Transfer

Dr. Julia Anna Matz
Officer for Early Career Researchers with a focus on Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 4286

Dr. Sandra Wienand
Officer for Early Career Researchers with a focus Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 4286

Doctoral Candidates

Information for Doctoral Researchers

We are pleased that you are doing - or are interested in pursuing - doctoral work at the University of Oldenburg.

These pages offer more detailed information on

Further information regarding central organisational units of the University of Oldenburg that may be relevant for doctoral candidates ca be found in the brochure Getting your Doctorate at the University of Oldenburg – services, advice and support. General information on the PhD in Germany can be found in the ZEIT Campus Ratgeber Promotion (only available in German, unfortunately).

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