Do you have any requests or suggestions for the Graduate Academy workshop program? Please feel free to contact us!

The third German Postdoc Appreciation Week will take place from September 16-20, 2024. Stay informed here:


Dr. Susanne Elpers
Officer for Early Career Researchers with a focus on Postdocs and Equal Opportunities

+49 (0)441-798 2939

Dr. Julia Anna Matz
Officer for Early Career Researchers  with a focus on Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 4286

Dr. Sandra Wienand
Officer for Early Career Researchers  with a focus on Doctoral Candidates and International Issues

+49 (0)441-798 2914


Sabine Osterkamp

+49 (0)441-7984628



Career insights online 08.11.2024

The seminar format "Career Insights Online" aims at introducing different career paths of marine scientists in the widest sense and offers the possibility to get in touch with former members of the Marine Graduate Schools in Oldenburg, Bremen and Bremerhaven. It focusses on career paths outside of academia and will give insights into job fields in, for example, industry, administration, consulting, non-governmental organisations and journalism.

Speakers are asked to talk about their current position, the interdisciplinary skills they achieved during their doctoral phase, the career steps they took, as well as about work-family-life-balance. After a short presentation, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker.

Guests: tba

Date & time: 08.11.2024 14:00 – 15:30  

Format: online meeting (after registration you will receive a link)

Language:  English

Participants: maximum of 40

Target group:  Early career scientists who are interested in broadening their horizon and getting new ideas for their own future career development.

Registration via Email: Click on the names of the speakers to find out where you can register for Career insights.

The event series is a joined initiative of all the doctoral study programmes of the collaboration network of Marine Graduate Programs, all OLTECH-PhDs are welcome!

08.11.2024 14:00 – 15:30

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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