Staff: our resident and external staff is professionally experienced in the field of audio, video and music production. Besides their technical, scientific and musical expertise we also emphasize on pedagogical competence and permanently do update our skills. Additionally we try to connect to the active music and production scene internationally in terms of seminars, workshops or discussions. We do research, publicate(Controller and Virtuality, Linux, Djing, Music technology and education, Surroundsound etc.) and appear on external events (see additional websites).
In 2015 we are:
- Leitung: Dr. Christoph Micklisch M.A. Akad. consellor
- LfbA. Rolf Seidelmann
- LfbA. Axel Kassner
- HK Robin Max Segebarth
- HK Hannes Martens
- Lehrbeauftragter: Peter Biendara
- Changing Lecturers. (Filmscoring,Sounddesign, Djing etc.)
Further information you can find here.