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Two ants crawl out of a hollow on a stone, the ground consists of sand and small stones.
Excellence Strategy Research Top News People Biology

A biologist with a predilection for philosophy

Biologist Pauline Fleischmann researches desert ants and astonishing navigational abilities – both in the laboratory and in their natural environment.…

Die fünf Personen stehen nebeneinander vor der Treppe im Hörsaalzentrum.
Top News Higher Education Policy People

New Presidential Board from January

Katharina Al-Shamery, Andrea Strübind and Ralf Grüttemeier are to join the University's Presidential Board in January. Following their confirmation by…

Five people in front of a meadow.
Research Top News People Chemistry International affairs

Exploring the world of disilenes

In April, Canadian scientist Kim Baines paid a visit to the Institute of Chemistry. She is a recipient of the prestigious Humboldt Research Award and…

Scientist Leena Karrasch on a footbridge leading across salt marshes.
Research Sustainability Top News People

At the interface

Rising sea levels, groundwater salinisation and drier summers: the consequences of climate change affect the coastal areas of northern Germany. Leena…

The three award winners on the evening of the ceremony holding their certificates.
Research Top News People

UGO awards go to three female scientists

The "Prize for Excellent Research" was awarded to human geographer Jennifer Turner and nutritionist Rebecca Diekmann, while the "Prize for Outstanding…

Sustainability Campus Life People

Working for cultural transformation

Climate Protection Manager Anna Krämer is committed to achieving climate neutrality at the University of Oldenburg. In this interview, she talks about…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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