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Photo of energy systems researcher Philipp Staudt in front of an electricty meter.
Sustainability Top News People Computing Science

Impulse Professorship for information systems researcher

Philipp Staudt, information systems researcher with a focus on environmental protection und sustainability, receives an ‘Impulse Professorship’. His…

Robot arm places battery pack on a conveyor belt.
Research Top News Computing Science

Improving battery production

Digital models of battery factories could help increase the production of lithium-ion batteries in Europe significantly in the coming years. Computer…

Portrait on the campus, green trees and bicycle stands in the background.
Research Top News Computing Science

"A large part of the world's knowledge is in AI"

Artificial intelligence is currently a hot topic in the media. In this interview, computer scientist Oliver Kramer explains what programmes such as…

A dark screen divided into several fields with incomprehensible information.
Top News Computing Science

When the hackers are already in the system

Cyberattacks on critical infrastructure such as power grids are on the rise. Oldenburg experts Andreas Peter and Sebastian Lehnhoff explain how to…

Top News Computing Science

Major success for Oldenburg energy systems research

The Joint Science Conference (GWK) is funding the nfdi4energy consortium in Oldenburg. The aim is to improve communication and the exchange of data…

Landscape with power lines and wind turbines on the horizon.
Research Top News Computing Science

Using AI to operate critical infrastructure autonomously

Developing an interdisciplinary approach to using artificial intelligence methods for the secure operation of critical infrastructure systems is the…

Research Top News Computing Science

Tricking neural networks

Can artificial intelligence (AI) methods reliably detect child pornography images on user devices? A study in which Oldenburg computer scientist…

Two peole are walking towards the entrance of the building.
Top News Computing Science International affairs

Researchers expand Master's programme in East Africa

Computer systems that control devices such as televisions are the focus of a study programme that Oldenburg's business informatics experts helped to…

EA young woman presents the prototype of the smart helmet: she wears virtual reality goggles and a shiny silver bicycle helmet.
Research Top News Computing Science

The power of data

Data has become one of the most important economic assets of the 21st century. Jorge Marx Gómez and a team of Oldenburg business informatics…

A view of the Speicherstadt warehouse district and a sightseeing boat in the foreground.
Research Top News Computing Science

When autonomous freight vessels cruise the city

Autonomous zero-emission ships could decongest cities that have a network of small waterways. Oldenburg IT specialists are studying this…

Grafik zeigt die Protease als großes, unregelmäßig geformtes Gebilde. Ein möglicher Wirkstoff füllt eine Art Tasche innerhalb des Moleküls aus.
Covid Top News Computing Science

New paths to an active substance

Artificial intelligence could accelerate the search for an effective drug against Sars-CoV-2, says AI expert Oliver Kramer. He and his team have…

A Hand holding a smartphone with navigation app.
Computing Science Top News

Priority to cyclists

Innovative technologies have the potential to make cycling safer, more attractive and more comfortable. Oldenburg business informatics researchers are…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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