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Semester: Summer term 2024

ICBM0824 ICBM PhD Day 2024 -  

Event date(s) | room


    The ICBM PhD Days (german: Doktorand*innen Tage” serve to give researchers in the early stages of their careers an opportunity to present and discuss their research results at an early stage. They provide a platform for exchanging ideas about projects, discussing challenges or methods during the doctorate and developing an interdisciplinary network.

    The Doctoral Candidate Days are aimed at doctoral candidates from the fields of marine sciences, biology and ecology, geochemistry and analytics or physics and modelling and related fields at the ICBM and take place annually at the ICBM in Oldenburg or at the site in Wilhelmshaven. The doctoral candidate days are an international symposium where all doctoral candidates can meet, invite speakers on specific topics, offer discussion rounds on specific topics or give presentations on their research.
    Please register for the 7th ICBM PhD Day by filling out the registration form.


    Study fields

    • Environmental Sciences


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