Dr. Insung Jung
Dr. Insung Jung

Dr. Insung Jung
Visiting Research Fellow of Education Research Insitute
Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Dr. Insung Jung has been a professor of Education at the International Christian University in Japan since 2003. Before joining ICU, she served as the Director of the Multimedia Education Institute at Ewha Womans University in Korea. Between 1991and 2000, she was a faculty member at Korea National Open University and conducted extensive research in open and distance learning or ODL She has served as a consultant and advisor in ODL to numerous national and international institutions, including Korean ministries, UNESCO, World Bank, APEC, ASEAN, ADBI and IDRC. Currently, she is serving on editorial boards of several international journals including: International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, Distance Education, International Journal of Educational Media and Technology, Asian Journal of Distance Education, and Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. She has over 150 publications including Distance and Blended Learning in Asia (Routledge), Quality, Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Distance Education and E-learning: Models, Policies and Research (Routledge), Quality Assurance in Distance Education and E-learning: Challenges and Solutions from Asia (Sage), and Culture and Online Learning: Global Perspectives and Research (Stylus). (Personal website: epiaget.com)
Recent publications:
Choi, H., Jung, I. & Lee, Y. (2023). The power of positive deviance behaviours: From panic-gogy to effective pedagogy in online teaching. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11696-7
Jung, I. & Mok, K. H. (Eds.) (2023). The reinvention of liberal learning around the globe. Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/9789811982644