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Facts and Data

  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • Degree Award: Master of Science
  • Language: German
  • admission free
  • Special admission requirements

Environmental Modelling - Master's Programme

Orientation and Goals

The object of the master's programme in Environmental Modelling is the transmission of skills relating to the development of models, data analysis methods, and decision supporting systems.
The various methods of modern environmental modelling, environmental analysis, environmental informatics, and their application fields in all areas of the earth, including the sustainable economy, are dealt with in a cross-disciplinary context. In addition to the goal of connecting a general understanding of environmental systems to economic and social issues, this research-oriented master's programme places special emphasis on the application of methods from mathematics, the natural sciences, and informatics.

Study Design and Contents

In the first semester, students individually select and take part in courses in a variety of scientific fields. These courses initially build on the skills students have previously acquired in the course of their bachelor's degrees. All students have to take the module 'Introduction to Environmental Modelling' (6 credit points) and 12 credit points in the module area of environmental systems. Later on, students can choose between three specialisation areas (process and system oriented environmental modelling, statistical environmental modelling, and environmental informatics). Students have the opportunity to specialise according to their own inclinations. Alongside modules in their areas of specialisation (24 credit points), students take supplementary modules (18 credit points) in the two other non-specialisation subjects, in the area of 'ecological economics', or from the profiling programmes in the master's cluster 'Environment and Sustainability'. A contact internship or research project (12 credit points) allows students to get to know their future career possibilities while they are still studying.

Teaching and Learning

Large modules with lectures, seminars, practice sessions, and a large practical component. Some modules are offered in English. Students are integrated into research activities from the beginning on.

Reasons for Studying

The master's programme in Environmental Modelling is organised by scientists at the Centre for Environmental Modelling (CEM) and is located in the Institute for Chemistry and Marine Biology (ICBM). The lecturers come from the departments of biology and environmental sciences, chemistry and marine biology, mathematics, physics, economics, and computing science. This inter-disciplinary structure allows for a consistent cross-disciplinary programme of education, as well as a linkage to current research projects in various areas of environmental modelling. This programme is embedded in the cluster of master's degree programmes in environmental and sustainability research at the University of Oldenburg.

Foreign Language Skills

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg as a student from outside of Germany, you need an adequate knowledge of German.

German Language Proficiency
You can proof your German language proficiency with the following language certificates:

  • DSH: Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level 2)
  • TestDaF: Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (with level 4 in all four areas)

Recommended English Language Proficiency see admission requirements

  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2 is strongly recommended for studying.

You will need sufficient knowledge of English to be able to understand lectures and courses, write texts and conduct in-depth discussions in English.

The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment. For other proof possiblities see: Language requirements

Careers and Areas of Employment

Our graduates have a multi-layered and versatile skill set.This enables them to take uppositions in various areas of disciplinary and interdisciplinary environmental research.

Diverse professional fields in the environmental sector

Career opportunities also extend to a wide range of environment-related activities. Depending on their specialisation, graduates may also be able to work independently in the following areas:

  • environmental monitoring and environmental statistics,
  • environmental databank management,
  • development of environmental information systems,
  • environmental planning, or
  • environmental education.

Occupational fields and employers

Most career prospects are likely to be found in

  • planning offices,
  • statistics bureaus,
  • ministries and public authorities,
  • management in mid-sized companies,
  • political counselling,
  • environmental education.

Individual opportunities in niche professional fields

This comprehensive interdisciplinary degree programme with a strong methodological focus also offers a great deal of space and opportunities for the individual development of niche professional fields.

Target Group/Admission Requirements

Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification in sciences, mathematics, economics, computing science or environmental science or in a closely related field, where the aforementioned fields of study are worth at least 90 credit points.

Application/Admission Procedures

This is an open admissions degree course, and applications are accepted only for winter semesters.
The application deadline for the winter semester is 30 September.

Overview application deadlines Master's programmes

Please note
For open-admission Master's degree programmes it is strongly recommended to submit their applications as early as possible before 15 July for the winter semester. If the supporting documents are submitted after these dates but before the standard application deadlines, your application can only be processed at the start of the lecture period in the new semester. This may result serious problems (German document).

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