
Student InfoLine

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Mo – Th  9:30 am to 4:00 pm
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SSC InfoDesk

Student Service Centre – A12

Mo, Wed   9.30 am to 12.00 noon
Tu, Th        9.30 am to 16.30 pm
Fr               closed

Netiquette for requests by e-mail

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Teaching careers with Bachelor's degrees and Master's degrees

At the start, you will study a Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme with two school subjects for three years. After gaining your Bachelor's degree you will study a Master of Education (M.Ed.) Programme for two years.

The Master's degree is a prerequisite for teacher training (Referendariat). On successfully completing your teacher training and passing the second state examination, you will be qualified to teach in schools.

Subject combinations of the different school types

Please note: In the Dual-Subject Bachelor’s Programme, you will already need to choose specific subject combinations for your chosen school type. For an overview, refer to the following table.
In addition to these subject combinations, there are also some exceptions.


* = English Studies (English) as a core subject has new regulations, see explanation (in German)
= core subject, see explanation
= potential combination subject

Grund: M.Ed. Grundschule
Haupt/Real: M.Ed. Haupt- und Realschule
Gym: M.Ed. Gymnasium
SoPäd: M.Ed. Sonderpädagogik
WiPäd: M.Ed. Wirtschaftspädagogik

Clicking on a coloured button will take you to the corresponding study programme in the Master of Education.

Subject in dual-subject Bachelor's degree Subject in Master of Education programme Career in teaching: chosen school type
Grund Haupt/Real Gym SoPäd WiPäd
English Studies English
Biology Biology
Protestant Theology and Religious Education Protestant Theology and Religious Education
German Studies German
General Education General Studies
Art and Media Art
Material Culture: Textiles Textile Design
Music Music
Chemistry Chemistry
Elementary Mathematics Elementary Mathematics
Social Studies Politics
Economics and Business Administration Economics and Business Administration
Geography (in cooperation with the University of Bremen) Geography (in cooperation with the University of Bremen)
History History
Computing Science Computing Science
Mathematics Mathematics
Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies Dutch
Philosophy/Values and Norms Values and Norms
Philosophy/Values and Norms Philosophy
Physics Physics
Slavic Studies Russian
Special Needs Education Special Needs Education
Sport Science Sports
Technology Technology
Economic Education Economic Education
Politics and Economics Politics and Economics
Franco-Romance Studies (in cooperation with the University of Bremen) Franco-Romance Studies (in cooperation with the University of Bremen)
Hispanic Studies (in cooperation with the University of Bremen) Spanish (in cooperation with the University of Bremen)

Further notes

Core subject

One of the core subjects must be chosen in the degree programme and combined with an additional subject. Two core subjects may also be combined.

Cooperation subject

These subjects can be studied in cooperation with the University of Bremen. The area of specialization and practical training modules are followed at the University of Oldenburg. Applications are processed by the University of Oldenburg.


Combination of subjects

For the school type Gymnasium, the subjects biology and chemistry may be combined as an exception to the subject combination regulations.

Other exceptions may be approved in individual single cases. More information is available from NLQ.

Currently (as of 07/2021), exemptions are granted for the subject of Computer Science for the Hauptschule and Realschule school types and for the subjects of Chemistry and Computer Science for the Gymnasium school type.
Please use the following form:

Exemption of a subject combination for teaching degree

First subject

For special needs education, Special Needs Education must be the first subject. For business education, Economics must be the first subject. 

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