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Facts and Data

  • Duration: 3 semesters
  • Degree Award: Master of Science
  • Language: German/English
  • admission free
  • Special admission requirements

Hearing Technology and Audiology - Master's Programme

Orientation and Goals

Graduates of this programme have at their disposal not only the theoretical foundations of hearing technology and audiology and their practical applications but also an insight into the methods, problems, and findings of the most recent research. They are in a position to assess theories, methods, procedure models, tools, and systems according to scientific criteria, and to apply them to solving practical problems. They possess competent knowledge concerning the scientific planning, practical implementation, and statistical analysis of audiological studies, the principles of acoustic and digital signal and speech processing, and are able to implement such knowledge in the development of audio systems (e.g. hearing aids, entertainment electronics, studio acoustics, and telecommunications). They are familiar with the demands of group work, as well as the convincing presentation of their own and others' results.

Study Design and Contents

In the course of this three semester master's programme, students earn 90 ECTS credits. The course content takes the form of modules worth 6 or 12 ECTS credits, which are completed in the first and second semesters. The programme finishes with a six month master's thesis module (30 ECTS credits) with a strong scientific focus. Possible thematic areas are: system theory, hearing technology and audiology, audiology and medical physics, theoretical physics/mathematics, acoustics, mathematical modelling, engineering, and computing science. A 'bridge semester' is offered for applicants who don't have a bachelor's degree in hearing technology and audiology. In such cases, the programme usually lasts four semesters.

Teaching and Learning

Lectures, seminars and practice sessions.
Some modules can partly be offered in English.

Reasons for Studying

No other university offers a programme of this kind. The Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth also participate.

Foreign Language Skills

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg as a student from outside of Germany, you need an adequate knowledge of German.

German Language Proficiency

  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2 or
  • DSH: Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level 1) or
  • TestDaF: Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (with level 3 in all four areas)

English Language Proficiency see admissions regulations

  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2 or
  • if applicants are native speaker or they have university entrance qualification or a university degree obtained in English

The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment. For other proof possibilities see: Language requirements

Careers and Areas of Employment

The need for counselling and treatment in audiology and medical devices is very high and increasing due to listening habits and noise pollution. The demands of consumers for listening quality and listening experiences in the realm of communication are increasingly important. The following careers are possible: development engineer in hearing aid technology and telecommunications, engineer/consultant in acoustics, employee in clinical-audiological institutions, clinics, audiological centres, sales/technical managers in hearing aid/acoustics businesses, sales/support with manufacturers of medical devices, consultation in the area of otolaryngology, advising in education for the hearing impaired.

Target Group/Admission Requirements

Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification in Hearing Technology and Audiology or from prior studies in a closely related field.

For more details see Foreign language skills on this page.

Application/Admission Procedures

This is an open admissions degree course, and applications are accepted for both the winter and summer semesters.
The application deadline for the winter semester is 30 September.
The application deadline for the summer semester is 31 March.

Overview application deadlines Master's programmes

Please note
For open-admission Master's degree programmes it is strongly recommended to submit their applications as early as possible before 15 July for the winter semester and before 15 January for the summer semester. If the supporting documents are submitted after these dates but before the standard application deadlines, this may have disadvantages for the start of your studies. Please note our information on the local application procedure (German document).

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