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Facts and Data

  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • Degree Award: Master of Science
  • Language: German
  • admission free
  • Special admission requirements



Marine Environmental Sciences - Master's Programme

Orientation and Goals

The aim of the interdisciplinary and research-oriented Master's degree course in Marine Environmental Sciences is to provide qualified natural scientists with in-depth training in the fields of knowledge and methods of modern marine environmental sciences and their fields of application, as well as to teach the necessary methods and techniques.
Students learn how to conduct research independently and in a team according to scientific and ethical standards and to present and interpret the research results appropriately while recognising their significance for society and professional practice.
The methodical/practical training offers the opportunity for individual specialization and provides the necessary knowledge and skills for a successful career in the diverse fields of environmental sciences.

Study Design and Contents

The master's program splits into:

mandatory modules

  • Introduction to Marine Environmental Sciences (6 ECTS credits), which explains the interdisciplinary approach of Marine Environmental Sciences by means of content and methodological lectures.
  • Environmental research project (12 ECTS credits), which introduces into independent scientific work,
  • Master's degree module (30 ECTS credits), which includes the Master's thesis and the final colloqium;

and elective modules (12 x 6 ECTS credits), which splits into five thematic areas, one practical and one interdisciplinary area:

  • mathematical modeling
  • ocean-, climate-, and environmental physics
  • geochemistry, chemical analysis
  • biology, ecology
  • marine sensor systems and operational oceanography
  • practical modules (excursions, programming, diving)
  • interdisciplinary modules

At least one module must be studied from each of the first five areas. Practical courses may be attended by a maximum of three modules.

Teaching and Learning

Small modules with lectures, seminars, practice sessions, and a large practical component. Some modules are offered in English. Students are integrated into research activities from the beginning on.

Reasons for Studying

The Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) is the only academic research institute for marine environmental sciences in Lower Saxony. Within the institute, chemists, physicists, mathematicians, biologists, geologists, and ecologists work together on actual topics in marine research. The interdisciplinarity and the integration of students in actual research projects is an essential aspect of the study program. The study program is embedded in a cluster of seven Master's programs in the field of environment and sustainability at the University of Oldenburg.

Foreign Language Skills

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg as a student from outside of Germany, you need an adequate knowledge of German.

German Language Proficiency
You can proof your German language proficiency with the following language certificates:

  • DSH: Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level 2)
  • TestDaF: Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (with level 4 in all four areas)

Recommended English Language Proficiency see admission requirements

  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2 is strongly recommended for studying.

You will need sufficient knowledge of English to be able to understand lectures and courses, write texts and conduct in-depth discussions in English.

Careers and Areas of Employment

The Master's programme "Marine Environmental Sciences" qualifies graduates for positions in the field of environmental and natural sciences or further doctoral studies. Especially when interdisciplinary approaches are required, e.g. in marine and coastal protection or related to global climate change, marine environmental scientists are urgently needed.

Various job opportunities depending on the specialisation

Graduates with a focus on biology and ecology work e.g.

  • in biodiversity research or
  • environmental monitoring.

Specialists in geochemistry and analytics develop e.g.

  • analytical methods or
  • manage laboratories.

With a focus on physics, marine sensor technology or modelling, the following jobs are possible e.g.

  • in the development of measuring devices,
  • environmental information systems or
  • in data management.

Potential career paths

Additionally, career paths in policy consulting or environmental education are available. Self-employed marine environmental scientists can work in the fields of environmental planning, monitoring and education.

Potential employers for marine environmental scientists include:

  • universities and research institutes,
  • organisations dealing with environmental, climate and coastal protection,
  • offices for environmental planning,
  • the fisheries sector,
  • museums, governmental authorities, federal agencies and water boards,
  • commercial enterprises in Germany and abroad.

Many graduates also pursue further doctoral studies in university research.

Target Group/Admission Requirements

Bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification in environmental sciences, marine engineering, or another suitable field of study that has imparted in-depth competencies particularly in the areas of physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, or technology amounting to 90 ECTS credits.

Application/Admission Procedures

This is an open admissions degree course, and applications are accepted for winter semesters, but for the summer semester only in justified cases.
The application deadline for the winter semester is 30 September.
The application deadline for the summer semester is 31 March.

Overview application deadlines Master's programmes

Please note
For open-admission Master's degree programmes it is strongly recommended to submit their applications as early as possible before 15 July for the winter semester and before 15 January for the summer semester. If the supporting documents are submitted after these dates but before the standard application deadlines, this may have disadvantages for the start of your studies. Please note our information on the local application procedure (German document).

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