EINBLICKE 51 / Spring 2010 ISSUE
EINBLICKE 51 / Spring 2010 ISSUE
EINBLICKE 51 / Spring 2010
Dear reader,
single ticket Singapore – Hamburg, please, “cabin” on the outside hull! Here, we are not talking about fun-seeking cruise passengers. Our cover story by Hanno Seebens and Bernd Blasius illustrates how the intensification of sea transport in a globalised world has made it possible for organisms like the Pacific oyster to penetrate new habitats in far-away lands. In the North Sea, for example, where they are able to multiply virtually without constraint – but with far-reaching consequences.
From the worldwide network of global shipping to the informal network of wunderkind composer Marianne Martines (1744-1812): In her article “Remembering Musical scores”, musicologist Melanie Unseld takes us on a journey to the aristocratic salons of Viennese Classicism.
In his article, areas studies researcher Ingo Mose illustrates how protected areas like national parks have long departed from their traditional role of pure nature conservation and now also serve the interests of agriculture and tourism. Educationalist Andrea Erdélyi, for her part, describes how people with speech impediments can be helped via methods of augmented communication – and just how important it is to have a network of information centres where they can receive professional advice.
This issue of EINBLICKE concludes with the article entitled “Top Hats, Tailcoats, and Glass Beads” by the philosopher Reinhard Schulz, who elucidates the thinking of Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Niklas Luhmann and Karl Jaspers.
Five contributions, five very special insights – I’m sure you will find it interesting and stimulating reading!
Dr. Corinna Dahm-Brey