
Academic advisor:

Prof. Dr. Esther Ruigendijk

+49 (0)441 798-4695

Advising on area of specialisation/

Study coordinator Faculty III:

Nicole Griese

+49 (0)441 798-2300



News und Events

Guest Lectures

Summer 2024: 

02.05.24, 16-18: „Cross-linguistic activation and cognitive control in child and adult L2 and L3 learners of English” by Greg Poarch (Groningen University), Ort: V03-A324. 

22.05.24, 12-14: „(Vorläufiger Titel) L2 learning and the microstructure of sound categories” by Marie K. Huffman (Stony Brook University), Ort: A01-0-005.

12.06.24, 12-14: Thematik: Pragmantik/Semantik (Details folgen) by Philippe de Brabanter (Brüssel), Ort: A01-0-005.

03.07.24, 12-14: „Processing flexible argument structure in Dutch, German and English” by Anne Renzel (Münster), Ort: A01-0-005.

Here you will find news about the study program as well as information about current events.

Current events

Here you will find current guest lectures and conferences.

Past events

Guest lecture (05.07.2019): Language and nonverbal cognition in autism (Prof. Dr. Laurice Tuller)

Guest lecture (04.07.2019): Modeling the influence of geography in dialect variation (Prof. Dr. Martijn Wieling)

Guest lecture (28.06.2019): Pragmatic and grammatical awareness in advanced EFL learners - The special case of language teacher trainees (Dr. Karen Glaser)

Guest lecture (07.06.2019): Evolution und Anpassung in den Sprachen der Welt (Prof. Dr. Martin Haspelmath)

Guest lecture (24.05.2019): "Trasjanka", "Suržyk", "Wasserpolnisch": Slavische Sprachen im Kontakt (Prof. Dr. Jan Patrick Zeller)

Guest lecture (01.02.19): Loss of the diminutive in Pomeranian in Brazil (Dr. Gertjan Postma)

Guest lecture (23.11.2017): Multilingualism and eyetracking: using eye movements to study second and foreign language processing (Dr. Hanneke Loerts)

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