Master of Arts "European History" (M.A.)
Course Counselling
Key information
- Entry requirements: Bachelor's degree in History or a related field of study with 60 ECTS and an average grade of at least 2,5
- Duration: 4 semesters
- Workload: 120 CP
- Application deadlines
- Examination regulations
- Language requirements
Further Information
- General admission regulations (Faculty IV)
- Information about the semester abroad with Erasmus+
Master of Arts "European History" (M.A.)
Master of Arts (M.A.) "European History"
The programme's profile
The Master of Arts "European History" (M.A.) focuses on research orientation, the acquisition of methodological and communication skills as well as practical professionalization.
The linking of scientific research aspects with recent research approaches enables to illuminate features and trends of European history in all periods in the current research context and analyzes both political, social, economic and cultural aspects and their mutual implications. Special emphasis is placed on the methodological and theoretical reflection of research. So there is an interest in perceptions, experiences and actions of historical actors as well as their communication spaces, their social practices, worldviews, self and other designs.
In addition, special emphasis is placed on the strengthening of methods and mediation skills that are of increasing importance in the professional practice, such as confident handling of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the discipline, methods critical skills, team skills and intercultural competence, awareness of a good scientific practice, ethical justified ability to judge, skills in written and oral communication as well as teaching and mediation skills.
Degree coordinator Prof Dr. Dagmar Freist describes the key characteristics of the Master's degree programme in a short radio interview (German).
The programme's structure
The standard period of study of the Master's degree programme is four semesters. Students have to acquire 120 CP in the following areas:
Period-Specific Historical Research (Sem. 1-2, 36 CP)
- Students choose four subject-specific modules (9 CP each) examining two or more historical periods:
- Module titles: "ges114 – History of the Ancient Mediterranean World"; "ges124 – Medieval European History"; "ges134 – Early Modern History of Western Europe"; "ges144 – Western European History of 19th and 20th Century"; "ges154 – Modern East European History"
inindividual profile Building (Sem. 1-2, 24 CP)
- The compulsory module "ges 188 – Profile Building" spreads over two semesters and aims at combining subject-specific and practical professional perspectives as well as individual profile building. Students are advised to discuss the contents of the module with the departmental student advisor. Possible options are: attending subject-specific courses that are also part of the profile building module, language courses, internships (12 CP, 180 hours / six weeks) etc.
semester Abroad (Sem. 3, 30 CP)
- The Master's programme includes a compulsory semester abroad (Module ges191).
Research-oriented Master's Thesis (Sem. 4, 30 CP)
- The fourth semester is reserved for the writing of a Master's thesis (Modul mam).
A study plan for the Master of Arts (M.A.) "European History" you will find here.
Occupation and activities
Based on their orientation knowledge and their social and intercultural competences traditionally humanities scholars, here, especially historians, are wanted in science-related fields, and in fields where intercultural and interdisciplinary skills are important.
With the further integration of Europe, a growing number of flexible skilled workers in different European areas of activity will be needed. These professionals must have linguistic and scientific skills and the ability to assess the comparative European presence in their historical conditions and developments. For this they are fully prepared with the Master's programme "European History". As professional fields to name a few that qualify with this programme there are:
- Science or related activities in higher education (research and teaching, scholarship management in the broader sense)
- Science-based activities outside the university (eg in scientific institutes, foundations, political, and cultural institutions in educational and research institutions at home and abroad)
- Politics / Policy Advice
- Cultural Management
- Media
- Archives
- Museums