Master of Education (M.Ed.)
Course Counselling
Key information
- Entry requirements: Bachelor's degree in History; certificate of a successfully completed general school internship ("Allgemeines Schulpraktikum")
- Duration: 4 semesters
- Workload: 120 CP
- Application deadlines
- Examination regulations
Gymnasium/Gesamtschule - Examination regulations
Sonderschule/Förderschule - Examination regulations
Hauptschule/Realschule - Language requirements
Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Master of Education (M.Ed.) "History"
The programmes' profiles
Since 2007 the Institute of History offers Master of Education degrees for students with the career goal in higher secondary school education (Gymnasium/Gesamtschule), special education (Sonderschule/Förderschule) as well as general and intermediate secondary school education (Hauptschule/Realschule). The Master's degree programme provides students with the necessary subject-specific knowledge and with profiled didactical education.
Profile and Qualification aims
- On the basis of the basic academic and historical-didactic skills imparted in the Bachelor's degree programme, the Master's degree programme aims at deepening said skills as it is required for science based and propaedeutic higher secondary school education (Gymnasium/Gesamtschule). The students extend their knowledge about historical periods they have not yet studied and specify their historical-didactic skills.
The programme's structure
- Overview of the programme's structure
- A study plan (in German) for the Master of Education (M.Ed.) with the career goal in higher secondary school education (Gymnasium/Gesamtschule) you will find here.
- The Master's degree programme builds on the Bachelor's degree programme (30 CP), in which students completed the core curriculum, acquired basic knowledge of scientific practice and were introduced to history didactics. In the Master's degree programme, students go through the advanced curriculum of the Bachelor's degree programme in order to widen their skills.
- Overview of the programme's structure
- A study plan for the Master of Education (M.Ed.) with the career goal in special education (Sonderschule/Förderschule) you will find here.
- It is the aim to impart the students with the required subject-related knowledge as well as the skills and methods which are necessary in their field of work. To this end, students learn the basics of scientific practice, critical reflection of scientific knowledge and responsible conduct.
- Overview of the programme's structure
- A study plan for the Master of Education (M.Ed.) with the career goal in general and intermediate secondary school education (Hauptschule/Realschule) you will find here.