German as foreign language in the study courses

German as a foreign language in the study courses

German as a foreign and second language (DaF)

The BA study course German studies contains in the basis module “Language and Culture (BM 1) as well as in the basis module “Media and Intermediation” (BM 3) components regarding the subjects ‘German as a Foreign Language’ and ‘German as a Second Language’ that are dealt with in the relevant lectures. Furthermore, a seminar on these two subjects will be offered. In the course of the second academic year, the supplementary module AM 7 “Target Language German” (consisting of a seminar and a tutorial) can be chosen. Equally, the final paper for the BA degree can be written with regard to the subjects ‘German as a Foreign Language’ and ‘German as a Second Language’. In the third academic year a concluding module DaF/DaZ is provided.<u9:p></u9:p>


At the study courses M.Ed. GyMBusiness and Economics Education and M.A. German studies will be offered a master module DaF (2 lectures with 12 or 15 KP). Furthermore you can make your master degree with focus on DaF.

It is also planned to offer an interdisciplinary Master’s degree with DaF specialization (Master of Arts DaF), Faculty III,  with the start of the winter term 2008/09.

The Master’s degree Intercultural Education and Communication (Faculty I / IBKM) is planned for the winter term 2009/10 and also contains two modules with DaF orientation.

Students participating in the study courses that will be discontinued at the University Oldenburg e.g. the teacher training programme in the German language, the graduate programme in German studies and the diploma course Intercultural Pedagogics have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to work with and teach German to migrant adults and children or in foreign countries. The University has a special interest in the participation of students with a migration background and in the participation of international guest students.

You will also find recommendations on the studies’ progression in the descriptions of the different study courses. These recommendations serve as a means of orientation and have to be reconciled with student advisors and the studies and examination guidelines that apply for the study courses in question.

Please click here for information on study courses.

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