
@Languages:    hybe, hyb
@Participants:    RFL Migrant, RFB Village
@ID:    hyb|fam|RFL|51;|female|central||Migrant|higher||
@ID:    hybe|fam|RFB|72;|female|central||Village|higher||
@L1 of RFL:    brms
@L1 of RFB:    be
@MT of RFL:    be
@MT of RFB:    be
@FL of RFL:    brms
@FL of RFB:    brms
@Situation:    Conversation at home
*RFL:    pâbyla b domâ njadzel´ku .
*RFL:    joj usë raúno ékzamên ni zdavac´ .
*RFB:    persname , ja ž pajedu u sânatorýj .
*RFB:    ni znaju kuda .
*RFB:    persname bralâ pucëúku .
*RFB:    pa blatu .
*RFB:    ničohâ rasc´vetâčkâ , praúdâ ?
*RFB:    i ciper u cjabe (.) jo ?


(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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