
Geschäftsstelle / OLTECH office

+49 (0)441 798-3648/3649

OLTECH Direktorium / Governing Board

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dittmar

Prof. Dr. Mathias Dietz

Prof. Dr. Heike Wehrheim

Geschäftsführung / Managing directors

Dr. Ferdinand Esser

Christine Steinseifer-Jeske


Oili Tsakmakis

Keti Antadze-Tamminga

Sophie Barlage (Student assistant)      

Besucheranschrift / Visitor address

Raum W3 1-138

Kontaktmöglichkeiten aktuell / Contact options:
per Mail und telefonische Erreichbarkeit Mo-Do 09:00 - 12:00
via e-mail and via phone from Mon-Thur 09:00-12:00

Beratungstermine: individuell nach Absprache                                                      Individual appointments on request


Final certificates for the Doctoral (degree)/PhD (study) programmes

How to get the final certificates?

  • Please contact your programme coordinator or OLTECH latest 3 months before you will finish your doctorate/PhD thesis!
  • Please check your list of modules (see below), if all courses etc. are listed
  • Please check in Stud.IP, if all courses are listed in the correct module (see guidelines below)
  • For doctoral candidates who started before October 2017: Please only complete a list of module certificates (download below)
  • Please send us scanned copies of the signed module certificates for all courses (except for workshops organized directly by OLTECH)
  • Make an appointment to clarify open questions.
  • Send us the date of your thesis defence as soon as you know it.
  • You will receive the certificate sealed by the examination’s office after your successful thesis defense by the Graduate School OLTECH.

Transcipt of Records (TOR)

If you have not fulfilled all the requirements for the successful completion of a doctoral (degree)/PhD (study) programme (30 CP) at the end of the doctoral period, you can still receive a TOR from us listing all the courses have attended.

Please also:

  • Check your list of modules (see below), if all courses etc. are listed
  • Optional: Check in StudIP, if all courses are listed in the correct module (see guidelines below)

and contact your programme coordinator or OLTECH.

Introduction to the course administration in Stud.IP

Guideline for Doctoral/PhD Service System in Stud.IP

Module certificate for the Doctoral (degree)/PhD (study) programmes:

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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