Organisations for Promoting Talented Individuals

The thirteen organisations operating nationwide to fund talented individuals (Begabtenförderwerke) promote highly qualified and motivated students and doctoral candidates on a financial and a non-financial level.

Resources for Doctoral Students

The German Society for Foreign Language Research (DGFF) offers doctoral candidates financial support for data collection as well as training for special measures in the framework of the DGFF Research Fund.

The Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation for promoting science and research supports talented young, female scientists with children to give them the necessary freedom and mobility for a scientific career.

PhD funding

The PhD with a Research Postion

The doctoral degree in combination with a position as a scientific assistant or with a fellowship in a postgraduate programme usually occurs via the application for a job or a vacancy for doctoral research.

Information on the search for vacancies or scholarships can be found on the website of the Graduate Academy.

The PhD with a Scholarship

Many foundations and organisations fund doctoral studies in the form of scholarships. There are usually set dates, once or twice a year, when applications for scholarships are to be submitted. Contact the foundation or organisation before applying to obtain the latest information on the application process.

Local Support

Heinz Neumüller Foundation
For Oldenburg students and doctoral candidates of the Faculties II or V, Computer Science, Business Administration, Economics and Law, Technology and Science. Further information can be found on the website of Oldenburg Student Administration and Social Welfare (Studentenwerk).

Anna Magull Foundation
Anna Magull Foundation: The Foundation promotes students and doctoral candidates of the subject business education/pedagogics at the University of Oldenburg. Further information can be found on the website of the Anna Magull Foundation.

Promotion of all Disciplines

Organisation for the promotion of talented individuals (Begabtenförderungswerke)
The thirteen nationwide organisations for the promotion of talent provide funding for particularly qualified and motivated students and doctoral candidates.

Klaus Murmann Foundation
With its Klaus Murmann development agency, the Foundation of the German Industry supports doctoral students with above-average performance of all disciplines. Submission of application documents: Deadline for external candidates: 15 January, 15 August.

Subject-Specific Funding: STEM Subjects

German Federal Environment Foundation (DBU)
The German Federal Environment Foundation (DBU) awards 60 doctoral fellowships annually to junior researchers from all disciplines, who are completing further research work in the field of environmental protection. There are two application rounds each year; the deadlines are 15 January and 15 June. You can find further information on the DBU Scholarship Programme and the DBU lines of funding on the DBU website.

Manfred Lautenschläger Foundation
The Manfred Lautenschläger Foundation promotes outstanding students and doctoral candidates in the STEM subjects. It is a scholarship in the maximum amount of 3,000 euros (maximum of 2 years, 125 euros/month).

Johannes Hübner Foundation
The Johannes Hübner Foundation promotes research and development projects in scientific and technical areas. Preference will be given to doctoral scholarships with eligible research and development projects. Only fellows who are actually in need of support are to be supported by means of scholarships. The need is to be confirmed with a detailed recommendation.

Nagelschneider Foundation (sustainability)
The Nagelschneider Foundation awards scholarships for doctoral candidates who deal with the following topics:

  • Production, storage, transport and intelligent network planning of alternative, sustainably produced and environmentally sound energy
  • Reduction of energy consumption in the context of the overall environmental situation

The monthly funding is a maximum of 1,800 euro as a scholarship for a maximum of three years.

Dr. Hilmer Foundation (pharmacy)
The Dr. Hilmer Foundation awards a doctoral fellowship annually for the implementation of scientific work in the field of pharmacy. Applicants must have completed studies in pharmacy, medicine or the natural sciences with above-average results. Age limit: 30 years. The scholarship amounts to 1,200 euros per month plus a subsidy of 150 euros for work materials.

Evonik Foundation
The Evonik Foundation awards a doctoral scholarship for two years with the option of renewal. Funding is 1,050 euros per month (postdoctoral research: one year, 1,000 - 1,500 euros per month).

Association of the Chemical Industry
The Foundation Scholarship Fund of the Chemical Industry Association awards scholarships for prospective teachers, doctoral candidates and junior university lecturers.

  • Chemistry Fund Scholarship: doctoral scholarship for highly talented early-career researchers, for doctoral candidates of chemistry or related areas. Submission of the application is made by the supervisor of the thesis. Submission deadlines are 1 March, 1 July and 1 November of each year.
  • Hoechst Doctoral Scholarship: Scholarship of the Aventis Foundation for a thesis in the field of biochemistry, pharmaceuticals or life sciences.
  • Kekulé Scholarship: Doctoral scholarship for doctoral candidates of chemistry or related areas who change location and university between their studies and their doctoral research. Applications may be submitted at any time.

Further information about the scholarships can be found on the Chemical Industry Fund website.

Subject-Specific Funding: Life Sciences

Winzig Foundation
Outstanding doctoral projects in “happiness research” are eligible for funding (e.g. in neurology, brain research, conduct research, psychology, philosophy and sociology) relating to Winzig’s assumption. In addition, exceptional doctoral projects dealing with learning processes in human beings, animals or plants are supported.

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds
The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds awards PhD scholarships to outstanding junior researchers who plan an ambitious scientific doctoral project in basic biomedical research in a leading international laboratory for approximately three years. For more information about the conditions and current vacancies, please refer to the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds website.

Subject-Specific Funding: The Humanities

Johannes-Rau-Gesellschaft e.V.
The Johannes Rau-Gesellschaft e.V.: Johannes Rau Society awards a doctoral scholarship for outstanding academic work that strengthens historical awareness and covers future issues. The disciplines are not specified. The scholarship amounts to 1,250 euros per month and will be awarded for 2 years. More information about the current call for proposals can be found on the website of the Johannes-Rau-Gesellschaft.

Scholarships for Stays Abroad

Max Weber Foundation (scholarships for stays abroad)
Scholarships for students, PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers of the humanities in Max Weber institutes abroad by applying directly at the institutions. Further information can be found on the website of the Max Weber Foundation.

Max Weber Foundation (returnees)
Scholarships for students, PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers of the humanities. The Max Weber Foundation annually awards up to two research fellowships for scientists and researchers from institutes abroad who will return to Germany following the completion of their activities.

Fullbright (USA)
2-term stays at graduate level (Masters, PhD) at US universities are funded. The funding includes part of the tuition fees and subsistence allowance. Further information can be found on the website of the Fulbright Commission.

Minerva Stiftung (Israel)
The Minerva Fellowship Program enables German and Israeli scientists and researchers to spend longer-term research residencies at institutions in the host country of between six and thirty-six months (for graduates) or between six and twenty-four months (for postdocs).
Some fifty scientists receive fellowships each year. Young scientists and researchers (postdocs) are given priority in the selection process. Scientists with tenure are not eligible to apply.

Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme
The Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme is an excellent opportunity for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers to conduct joint research at the most recognised higher education institutions in Lower Saxony and Scotland. 
The promotion of internationalisation and competence building is a central component of the programme. Thereby it leads to cross-border European cooperation in science and research.

Further options for the search for scholarships

Databases to search for scholarships in Germany

Databases to search for scholarships in Germany and abroad

Database to search for scholarships abroad

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