Prof. Dr. Mark Turner, Professor of Cognitive Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA talks at the HWK about
"The Origin of Ideas: Blending, Creativity, and the Human Spark”
He is the author – among many books and articles – of “The Origin of Ideas”, Founding Director of the Cognitive Science Network, Co-Director of Red Hen Lab, and recipient of many awards.
Other species have abilities we do not—they can fly, spin webs, photosynthesize. But human beings are the heavyweight champions of extremely rapid creativity. We are the origin of ideas. We invent and disseminate new ideas constantly, often ideas that range across vast expanses of time, space, causation, and agency—expanses that go far beyond human scale and that leave other species in the dust. Why are we so innovative? How can our little brains hold onto new ideas once they are formed? Professor Turner explores the ways in which advanced human cognition, often profoundly conservative, is remarkable for its ability to blend old ideas to make new ones, with emergent meaning arising in the blend. Advanced blending, a basic mental operation for human beings, is a constant, everyday mental activity, not costly and not reserved for special effects, even though it is almost entirely unnoticed. It appears to operate according to uniform principles and under uniform constraints, underlying mathematical insight, scientific discovery, advanced social cognition, art, music, religion, fashion, decision-making, grammar, and the rest of the performances that distinguish cognitively modern human beings. This talk will provide an introduction to conceptual blending, with emphasis on blending in communication.
Lecture and discussion from 7:00 pm until approximately 8:00 pm
followed by dinner and informal discussion in the HWK Bistro.
The lecture is open to everybody, but registration is required for this event (by replying to ) via email by April 12 if you would like to attend.
Executive Director
Hanse-Lecture in Neurosciences am Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg mit Prof. Dr. Mark Turner