International Preparatory Travel

International Preparatory Travel


Preparatory travel

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports project preparation travel within the framework of Erasmus+ actions International Partnerships (capacity-building projects) and Joint Masters Degrees.

Programme content

The offer is aimed at university staff wishing to travel in the context of current or upcoming calls in Erasmus+ to prepare a project application for international partnerships (capacity-building projects) in a partner country (outside the EU) or for the preparation of a Joint Master’s Degree in a partner country (outside the EU) or in a member state or associated country (within the EU).


The application is possible at any time, however the application for approval must be granted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) prior to the commencement of the journey. A project preparation journey can only be granted for one person.

The approval of a preparatory journey should be followed by a subsequent application in the corresponding Erasmus+ activity. In the process, the German institution can either be integrated into the project as an applicant or as a partner (request from the university in the programme/partner country).

BMBF: Funding of projects for cross-border networking and development of collaborative projects in Horizon Europe

The purpose of the BMBF funding guideline is to support German actors in developing project proposals for collaborative projects for the thematic clusters in the area of "Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness" (Pillar II) of Horizon Europe in a coordinating role together with research partners. For a maximum of 12 months, up to 50,000 euros can be applied for network meetings and workshops, staff and travel- & accommodation costs.

The application procedure ist single-stage. Formal project proposals must be submitted to the DLR project management organisation by the following deadlines at the latest: 31 January, 31 May, 30 September. The first submission deadline is 31 May 2021, the last submission deadline is 30 September 2023. It is strongly recommended to contact the DLR Project Management Organisation for advice on applications. There are Further information and explanations available.

For the first two submission deadlines (31 May 2021 / 30 September 2021), additional budget is available specifically for projects aiming to apply in Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" so that a larger number of projects can be funded in this field!

DFG: Initiation of International Collaboration

Applicants interested in establishing collaborative scientific relationships with partners abroad may apply for funding for trips abroad, guest visits or exploratory workshops. These costs may be co-financed by a foreign partner organisation.

Funding is available for the following collaborative measures:

  • For international travel, up to three months/guest visits to the German or the foreign partner institution
  • Joint workshops

Proposals may be submitted at any time via the Elan portal of the DFG, but no later than at least 3 months before the start of the activity.

Further information can be found on the DFG website for initiation of international collaboration.

Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK)

In addition to the funding opportunities at federal and European level, the state of Lower Saxony has launched its own funding programmes. The Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK) is responsible for coordinating these programmes.

Further information

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