Master of Education (for teaching profession)

Study Programmes Master of Education for Gymnasium, Haupt- and Realschule, Sonderpädagogik and Wirtschaftspädagogik

At the University of Oldenburg, four Master of Education programs are offered in the areas of Gymnasium, Haupt- und Realschule, Sonderpädagogik and Wirtschaftspädagogik. This enables graduates to become teachers with politics as a subject in the following types of schools: a) Gymnasien, b) Grund-, Haupt- und Realschulen, c) Sonderschulen and d) Berufsschulen.

Master of Education (Gymnasium) for the subject Social Sciences, school subject Politics-Economics

Master of Education (Haupt-, Realschule) for the subject Social Sciences, school subject Politics

Master of Education (Sonderpädagogik) for the subject Social Sciences, school subject Politics

Master of Education (Wirtschaftspädagogik) for the subject Social Sciences, school subject Politics

Study contents

The "Master of Education" program extends social science competence to the teacher work fields. Graduates can teach in schools following the master's program. The social science teaching subject has a different designation depending on the state.

Political, sociological and economic aspects of the social sciences are reflected on in depth and placed in the context of social science learning processes. The course provides an exemplary insight into the epistemological interests, objects and methods of social science research and subject didactics. Particular attention is paid to economic education and political education.

Students acquire the competence to scientifically analyze and research the objects of the subject, to describe and reflect on central questions and methods of social and economic science disciplines, to develop subject-specific ways of questioning as well as to assess structures of political and economic science concept, model and theory formation with regard to their subject-specific scope. They learn to assess the contents of the subject with regard to its social and historical significance, to establish overarching references and to reflect on recent developments. They are enabled to analyze international relations in theoretical and current contexts.

In the field of economic education, students learn to grasp essential individual and macroeconomic issues and to classify them in overarching subject-related contexts, to classify basic business management issues and to assess their economic scope. The curriculum enables students to grasp and reflect on political-economic interdependencies, differences and similarities between political science and economics.

Graduates will be able to organize, implement and evaluate subject teaching in different types of schools. They will be able to reflect on the educational content of political and economic education and to relate scientific knowledge and students' ideas about politics and economics to each other in a model-like manner. They are able to justify their teaching subjects on the basis of subject didactic knowledge.

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