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Servicepoint Scholarships
University of Oldenburg
Department for Studying and Teaching
26111 Oldenburg (Oldb)

Jessica Küpker | head of section


Janina Enders


Frequent Questions

Answers to all funding offers

On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions in connection with applications for funding offers.

What does a personal cover letter contain?

In a personal cover letter, which must be submitted (digitally) to the Scholarship Service Centre, you justify your entitlement to a scholarship by explaining why you are worthy of support on the basis of your previous academic and life achievements as well as with reference to your current challenges.

What does a letter of motivation contain?

Your letter of motivation serves to explain to the members of the Board of Trustees your personal motivation for applying for a scholarship, your suitability, your biographical and academic background, and any other interesting information. It is advisable to use the letter of motivation to cover the following points:

  • Who are you? Introduce yourself briefly.
  • What prompted you to enrol in the subjects and programmes you have chosen?
  • How has your study path gone so far?
  • Why do you think you are particularly suitable for the scholarship you are looking for? Please justify your self-assessment.
  • What is your special skill that distinguishes you from other students?
  • In which social, political, social, cultural or ecclesiastical area do you show special initiative through (voluntary) commitment?
  • What has shown a special assumption of responsibility in your career so far?

Please write no more than three A4 pages.

What belongs in an appraisal?

The purpose of a review is to highlight your personal qualities as a student and to explain to the foundation's board, which decides on your application, why you are worthy of support. Lecturers who have known you for a certain time and can provide as well-founded information as possible about your performance are therefore recommended as reviewers.

An expert report therefore contains information about your academic achievements and abilities and, ideally, a few words about yourself and your character.

Always remember: The goal of your application is to convince a group of people who have already read many applications that you are better suited for funding than your competitors.

The expert opinion does not require any special form.

What does the description of the path of study and life contain?

Together with your personal cover letter, the description of your study and life path serves to give a picture of you as a person, your character and your interests.

If you already comment in detail on your biography in your cover letter, a curriculum vitae in tabular form is sufficient as a description of your study and life path. If, on the other hand, you are brief in your cover letter, it is a good idea to go into more detail about your biographical stations and motivations for the important decisions in the description of your study and life path.

There are no formal requirements.

Which subject do I have to enter?

The following applies to the Germany and State Scholarship:

You always apply for the scholarship with only one degree programme. If you study two subjects in equal proportions in this degree programme, it is up to you which one you specify as your first subject.

If you are studying two degree programmes (e.g. two Master's degrees) at the same time, you can also choose which degree programme (and, if applicable, subject) you want to apply for.


German studies
Fach-MasterGerman studies
Master of EducationGerman

Attention: If you are between the Bachelor's and the Master's degree, so that you are only waiting for the grade of the Bachelor's thesis, please treat the Master's degree as your current degree program and the Bachelor's degree as a previous degree (even if a few credit points are still missing).

The following applies to other funding offers:

Here, too, the credit points and average grades from only one (current) degree programme must first be indicated. However, they are welcome to provide additional courses (and subjects) in order to document their entire academic profile. Such information is also possible when applying for state and Germany scholarships, but is not relevant to selection.

How are cooperation courses going?

The question of where students can apply for a scholarship arises, for example, where the same scholarship — specifically the state scholarship and the Germany scholarship — is offered in different places.

If you are enrolled in a cooperative degree program, you can apply for such a scholarship in Oldenburg if the University of Oldenburg is your first point of contact for academic matters.

In case of doubt, it is the University of Oldenburg if you can view or generate your transcript of records via the Oldenburg Stud.IP. If, on the other hand, you receive your transcript of records from the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences, for example, you can apply there.

What is volunteering?

By volunteer work, voluntary commitment or honorary office, we mean altruistic action in which an individual or a group performs work voluntarily and without remuneration. The activity can take place regularly or sporadically.

Volunteering must be distinguished from hobby. In the case of voluntary work, the well-being of society, another group or person or a cause is at the forefront of the activity. In a hobby, the pleasure of the person exercising it is at the center.

Voluntary work is usually carried out as part of a voluntary cooperation with an institution (association, project, church, student council, AStA, party).

Volunteer work may be associated with an expense allowance, but not payment.

Only voluntary activities that have been carried out in the last 12 months are recognised.

It is not an honorary office, for example, in the case of:

  • Donate
  • Sponsorships that consist mainly of donations
  • Own art or media productions that do not receive public reception
  • Paid tutoring or homework help
  • Membership in an association (special functions in the association can constitute an honorary office)

Activities in self-administration

Activities in student or academic self-administration usually involve participation in committees.

Activities as student or research assistants do not fall into this category and are not taken into account.

Additional services and further training

Additional achievements and further education are further training, courses, courses and the like that are not provided for in your study regulations.

Further training as a mediator, further training as an arbitrator, a certificate as a language mediator — these are examples of achievements that fall into this category. Vocational training and internships, on the other hand, are not included.

In your application, please only state those achievements that you have completed during your studies.

What is a disability or chronic illness?

All such physical and mental impairments are recognized as chronic illnesses or disabilities that are proven by a medical certificate, severely disabled person's ID card or other official document or professional evaluation.

Caring for your own children

We consider the care of one's own children to be a given if parents raise at least one minor child. A birth certificate is required as proof.

Care for relatives in need of care

The care of close relatives in need of care is recognised if the applicant lives in the same household as the person in need of care. Appropriate information on the scope of care and supporting documents must be provided as proof.

Close relatives are grandparents, parents, stepparents, spouses, partners in a cohabitation, life partners, partners in a civil partnership, siblings, children and grandchildren.

If one's own children are in need of care, there is always both the care of one's own children and the care of relatives in need of care.

What is a migration background?

A person with a migration background is considered to be all persons who have themselves immigrated to Germany from a non-German-speaking country or are descended from such persons in the first generation. A birth certificate, an identity card or a signed declaration from the immigrant is required as proof.

What is a non-academic home (first-time academic)?

First-time academics are those students whose parents do not have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences. To prove this, suitable information on the educational qualifications of the parents must be provided.

Examinations not yet entered

It is not uncommon for the results of examinations that have already been taken to be reported to the Examination Office in time to indicate them in an application.

As a general rule, the Scholarship Service Centre cannot recognise achievements that are not plausibly proven. In case of doubt, slowly examining lecturers, the examination office or other persons with influence on the examination process are the right contacts to increase the number of exams and credit points that can be taken.

In such cases, you can contact the appropriate contact person to obtain proof of achievements and grades.

No Bachelor's degree yet?

Are you in your Master's degree and are supposed to submit your Bachelor's certificate, but haven't received it yet? In this case, please submit a certificate of grade for the Bachelor's degree program with a corresponding note.

Large family

A family is considered to have many children if more than three children grow up in a household.

Double funding

Anyone who receives a Lower Saxony State Scholarship or a Germany Scholarship cannot receive any further funding during the same period.

Anyone who is already supported by the Dr. h. c. Peter Waskönig Foundation or the Dr. Dettling Foundation would have to decide on one of the grants if they were awarded a state or Germany scholarship.

What certificates?

You can get certificates of grades and enrollment from the Examination and Enrollment Office. However, it is much easier to get them via Stud.IP:

Signed and certified certificates are not required.

Please ask for proof of voluntary commitment from the institutions concerned.

Dr. Dettling Foundation

Neediness/emergency situation?

In the Foundation's opinion, you are in need or in a financial emergency if you have a monthly income that would in principle entitle you to BAföG funding, but you cannot (or can no longer) claim this funding due to the duration of your studies or other factors.

No longer entitled to BAföG?

What does “entitlement to BAföG funding no longer exists” mean?

In practice, it means that if you were once entitled to BAföG funding, you are no longer entitled to it in the semester for which you apply for funding from the Dr. Dettling Foundation. This is usually the case after the standard period of study has expired.

If you have never had such an entitlement due to your parents' financial situation, this means that you cannot count on any support from your parents in the semester for which you are applying for funding from the Dr. Dettling Foundation.

It basically means that your monthly income is within a range that would have entitled you to receive funding under the BAföG within the standard period of study.

In short: If you are outside the standard period of study and have a low monthly income.

All of these circumstances must be supported by appropriate documents. You can apply for a notification of expired or non-existent entitlement to BAföG funding from the Studentenwerk.

Presentation of your life/study path?

The presentation of your life and study path does not require any special form. However, you should make sure that you include your entire biography in your application for funding from the Dr. Dettling Foundation - in other words, that more than just your grades are included in the evaluation and ultimately in the decision.

If you include the description of your life and studies in the body text of your cover letter, we would ask you to also submit a tabular CV.

Declaration of monthly income?

You will need suitable documents to prove your financial situation. There are no guidelines as to which documents you should use.

However, a signed statement of income, an employment contract, a payslip or copies of bank statements from two consecutive calendar months in the recent past are suitable (please black out irrelevant information).

If in doubt, ask the Scholarship Service Center.

What should be included in an expert opinion?

The purpose of a review is to emphasize your personal qualities as a student and to explain to the foundation board, which decides on your application, why you are worthy of funding. Teachers who have known you for a certain period of time and who can provide as much information as possible about your performance are therefore recommended as assessors.

A review therefore contains information about your academic achievements and abilities and ideally a few words about yourself and your character.

Always remember: The aim of your application is to convince a group of people who have already read many applications that you are better suited for a promotion than your fellow applicants.

The report does not require any special form.

Citizens of the city of Oldenburg and the EU?

The Dr. Dettling Foundation awards scholarships to pupils and students from the city of Oldenburg and the market town of Cadolzburg in Bavaria. The founder herself has stipulated these purposes in her will.

In practical terms, this means that as a suitable applicant for a scholarship from the Dr. Dettling Foundation, you must have both your primary residence in the city of Oldenburg and be a citizen of one of the member states of the European Union. If you do not meet these conditions, your application will unfortunately not be accepted.

Are you about to graduate?

Your graduation is imminent if you will be submitting your thesis in the semester for which you are applying for funding. You should therefore have already started planning your thesis during the semester in which the application phase falls.

Can doctoral students also apply?

No. The Dr. Dettling Foundation scholarships are only intended for students of undergraduate degree programs and consecutive Master's programs.

Dr. h. c. Peter Waskönig Foundation

Who is the addressee of the letter of motivation?

Please send your letter of motivation to the

Dr. h. c. Peter Waskönig Foundation
c/o University of Oldenburg
Department for Studying and Teaching
26111 Oldenburg

You can address the letter to the Board of Trustees.

However, the letter of motivation must be submitted together with all other documents via Stud.IP to the Scholarship Service Center, a department of the Office of Student Affairs and Teaching.

Apply in English?

Since the summer semester 2018, you can also apply in English.

Documents that are not written in either German or English must still be translated.

Can doctoral students also apply?

No. Scholarships from the Dr. h. c. Peter Waskönig Foundation are only intended for students on undergraduate degree courses and consecutive Master's degrees.

And international students?

Yes, as long as you are enrolled in a regular undergraduate degree program or consecutive Master's degree program, you can also apply without German citizenship.

Funding for a semester abroad?

Yes, funding is also granted during a semester or stay abroad. However, please bear in mind that the scholarship award ceremony takes place during the winter semester in October or November and that your participation is expressly requested.

Heinz Neumüller Foundation

What do the synopsis and timetable of the dissertation project contain?

The synopsis and timetable for the dissertation project are not subject to any formal requirements. In the past, they have varied in length between two and twenty pages.

What does an exposé look like? In the case of a doctoral scholarship, it makes sense to present your doctoral project in a way that is accessible to laypersons, as foundation boards of trustees are rarely staffed with specialist colleagues who can easily follow your explanations. At the same time, of course, such a presentation must not fail to illustrate your specialist knowledge. How you solve this task is ultimately up to you.

How detailed you present your schedule is also up to you.

What is the confirmation of the person supervising the dissertation?

The Foundation's award guidelines require a “confirmation from the dissertation supervisor that the dissertation project has been awarded, explaining its topic and significance for the further development of science”.

There is no formal requirement.

Statement from a second lecturer?

The “supporting statement” from a second lecturer in the same faculty is a simple expert opinion from a person who is not involved in the dissertation project, who is trained in the subject, who supports the doctoral project and can confirm the suitability of the applicant.

Certificate of current or former enrollment?

It is important for the foundation that applicants are (or have been) members of the university as students. Applicants must therefore either be currently enrolled as a student or have been enrolled as a student at the university in the past.

Both circumstances can be verified using the usual matriculation certificates.

Can non-doctoral students also apply?

No. The Heinz Neumüller Foundation scholarships are intended exclusively for current and prospective doctoral students.

Are international doctoral students also eligible?

Yes, your nationality is not relevant. However, please note that all documents must be submitted in German or English.

Landesstipendium Nds.

75% of the expected credit points?

Correct. In order to receive a state scholarship, students must have earned 75% of the credit points expected at the end of the summer semester according to the standard period of study.


For students entering their fourth Master's semester in the winter semester, this means that three semesters have been completed. The standard period of study is four semesters and the number of credit points to be achieved at the end is 120, resulting in the following calculation:

(120/4) * 3 = 90

75% of 90 KP is:

90 * 0,75 = 67,5

The calculation works in the same way for Bachelor's degree programs with 180 CP.

Students on the Staatsexman are exceptions to this rule. Individual cases are clarified with the coordinators of Human Medicine.

One-off scholarship

The state scholarship is a one-off scholarship. This means that the scholarship involves a one-off payment of €500. There is no monthly payment, as is usual with other funding offers.

Students who have already been awarded the state scholarship once can apply again.

Funding during a semester abroad?

The Lower Saxony state scholarships are awarded to enrolled students who are not on leave of absence in an undergraduate or consecutive Master's degree program during the standard period of study.

Wissenschaftspreis Nds.

Both subcategories at the same time?

Please choose a sub-category in your application. If you have excellent grades and are also involved in voluntary work, you must choose the category in which you are likely to have the better prospects.

That being said, even if you are applying in the 'excellent performance' sub-category, you can still submit any evidence of your voluntary work. It would probably be mentioned in the university management's assessment. The reverse is of course also permissible.

Nevertheless, the focus of your application must be on one or the other aspect.

I have no publications to show

Young scientists can apply for the science prize in three categories (I-III). Scientific publications in specialist journals are among the main selection criteria for these categories.

In the category for students (IV), publications are not such a selection criterion. Nevertheless, they are of course a welcome addition to the criteria of performance and commitment.

In short: Scientific publications or conference attendance are not a prerequisite for student applications.

Do I have to fill in the brief overview?

No. The brief overview and the reasons for your nomination will be provided by the university management if your application is forwarded to the ministry as part of the pre-selection process.

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