
Director of the Department

Prof. Dr. Jörn Hoffmann

Deputy Directors

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Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Department für Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
26111 Oldenburg

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Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Department für Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

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Research in the Department of Business, Economics and Law focuses on the three key areas of "Sustainability & Energy", "Digitalization & Internationalization" and "Innovation & Learning". The department is one of Germany's pioneers in sustainability research in economics and business administration and has a wide range of research activities in the field of digitalization due to the fact that it forms a joint faculty with Computer Science. A special feature of the department is the international orientation of the legal sciences, which is reflected, for example, in extensive collaborations and joint degree courses with the University of Groningen. A particular focus of research is the analysis of social transformations, innovations, and learning processes. For example, the department has a long history of teacher training in economics, which plays a key role in sustainability-oriented and digital transformation topics.

Sustainability & Energy

In the "Sustainability & Energy" focus area, the department carries out research projects that deal with issues of sustainable development and the transformation of the energy system from a business, legal, economic, and business education perspective. Climate change, the exploitation of natural resources, poverty and the exploitation of labor in supply chains are among the most important challenges facing humanity. The transformation of the energy sector (e.g. electricity and gas supply, renewable energies and electromobility) plays an important role in this context. Research at the department therefore focuses on issues such as energy policy, sustainable foundation, sustainable finance and civil and private law in the context of sustainability issues.

Digitalization & Internationalization

In the "Digitalization & Internationalization" focus area, the department conducts research activities that deal with the digital transformation and the special features of cross-border economic and legal relations from a business, legal, economic and business education perspective. The research focuses on the fact that the trends of digitalization and internationalization influence each other in many different ways. For example, new communication technologies are leading to an increasing blurring of boundaries in space and time, which creates potential for conflict and clashes of norms and requires regulation. At the same time, the increasing globalization of supply chains requires the use of information and communication technologies in order to be able to measure and display information and goods flows and to control them in regulatory and organizational terms. Research in the WiRe department therefore focuses on topics such as tax avoidance by large corporations, international trade relations, changing information and decision-making processes on international financial markets, changes in international legal cultures, the use of digital methods in marketing or vocational training and the digitalization of collaboration and knowledge transfer within and between organizations.

Innovation & Learning

In the "Innovation & Learning" focus area, the department carries out research activities that deal with innovation, learning and transformation processes at a macroeconomic, organizational and individual level. At the organizational level, research deals, for example, with the design of innovation and start-up processes (entrepreneurship), the financing of start-ups, the legal basis of intellectual capital or new forms of work and organization ("new work", organizational ecosystems). At the individual level, the focus is on the description, explanation and design of formal and informal teaching-learning and qualification processes in general education (economic education), vocational training, company, external and inter-company and university contexts, as well as research into interpersonal knowledge networks.

The three focal areas of the department have many overlaps with the focal areas of the Department of Computer Science, other faculties and the university as a whole. For example, the Department of Computer Science, like the Department of WiRe, also has strong research in the field of energy and sustainability. Very extensive research activities in the areas of energy and sustainability exist across faculties at the university and important affiliated institutes, e.g. in the area of research on renewable energies (e.g. in Faculty V), marine biology (e.g. HIFMB) or sociology (e.g. Organization and Innovation). The department is linked to the relevant stakeholders primarily through its extensive activities in the "COAST" center (currently in the process of being renamed). Finally, the newly formulated focus areas are directly linked to the university's focus areas "Sustainability", "Energy of the Future" and "Participation and Education" as well as "Professionalization Processes in Teacher Education". The department's focal points are therefore not only focal points of the department, but are also reflected in corresponding focal points at university level, which enables cross-departmental and cross-faculty research projects.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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