
Dr. rer. nat. Tanja Behrendt

University of Oldenburg

Leena Karrasch

Malena Ripken

Aalborg University

Lise Schrøder

Henning Sten Hansen

University of the Aegean

Iosif Botetzagias

Open University of the Netherlands

Raoul Beunen

University of Aberta

Sandra Sofia Ferreira da Silva Caeiro

Sara Pereira

University of Bucharest

Alexandru Andrasanu

Cristina Toma

International Virtual Seminar “Water and Climate”

The "International Virtual Seminar - Water and Climate" (IVS-WaC) is a digital-collaborative Master´s module jointly thought by 6 university partners from Denmark, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Romania and The Netherlands.

Within the seminar you can develop a theoretical, practical and critical understanding of the notion of water and climate in a wider scientific and governance framework. This includes a differentiated understanding of the challenges posed to societal groups and decision makers. It also provides foundation for wisely dealing with issues of water and climate on local to transnational levels. At the same time, the seminar will give insights into selected national and international projects and possible future fields of practice.

Complex societal challenges, related to climate change and water require innovative approaches, which will be addressed in a challenging international and interdisciplinary environment.


  • Environmental Governance
  • Spatial Planning & Climate Change Adaption
  • Marine Spatial Planning & Coastal Management
  • Marine litter and waste management
  • Communicating Climate Change
  • Water and climate change in UNESCO global geoparks

International Learning Environment

The IVS-WaC consists of two main formats: Lecture Series (3ECTS) and supervised group work in 6 small international, interdisciplinary and intercultural teams (3ECTS) from the 6 partner universities.

You will be able to:

  • understand and reflect different approaches and methods being applied in topical research and policy making
  • discuss the challenges of water and climate in an international context
  • evaluate impacts of human activities on water and climate systems
  • present information and critical arguments relating to water and climate theory and practice
  • work as an effective group member in an international and interdisciplinary team.

You will find more information about  the IVSWAC on the Content and Schedule page.

Benefits of the seminar

  • Interdisciplinary learning environment
  • Problem-based and research-based self-directed learning
  • Study language English
  • International participants and network
  • Professional supervision and support from experts
  • Flexible learning organisation through online study
  • Up to 6 ECTS Credit Points at the cooperating universities

Target group

You are a Master´s student in a (environmental or geo) science or management oriented degree programme at one of the cooperating universities and you like to work in an interdisciplinary and international group? We will be happy to receive your application.


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