Wissenstransfer und Lernen mit neuen Technologien

Dr. Victoria Marin

Dr. Victoria Marin

Senior Research Fellow

University of Lleida , Spain

E victoria.marin@udl.cat


Dr. Victoria I. Marín is Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work at the University of Lleida (UdL, Spain) and member of the research group Competences, Technology and Society in Education (COMPETECS) at the same university. Her main educational background is Education (Degree), with the specialization in Educational Technology (Master and PhD). She is the coordinator of the interuniversity PhD program in Educational Technology at the UdL, research collaborator of the Educational Technology Group of the Institute for Educational Research and Innovation of the University of the Balearic Islands and Member of the Association for the Development of Educational Technology and New Technologies Applied to Education (EDUTEC).

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