Facts and Data

  • Duration: 6 semesters
  • Degree Award: Bachelor of Arts
  • Language: German/Dutch
  • admission free

Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme

Within the scope of the Dual-subject Bachelor, you can take Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies

  • as a primary or secondary dual subject (60 ECTS credits) or
  • as a Minor (30 ECTS credits) combined with a Major

Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies can be studied either in connection with a non-teaching career goal or as a professional teaching qualification. If you want to become a teacher, you must follow the combinations of subjects for each teaching position.

Orientation and Goals

With 23 million speakers in the Netherlands and Flanders, Dutch is one of Europe's mid-sized languages. Students in the bachelor's programme in Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies at the University of Oldenburg not only study Dutch language and literature, but also delve into elective areas such as history, politics, law and economics. 
After successfully completing sic semesters, students are awarded a bachelor's degree, which qualifies them to move directly into the labour market. Alternatively, students may choose to continue their studies with a Master of Arts (M.A.) or a Master of Education (M.Ed.). What is new in these internationally recognised degrees is that they feature a greater degree of structure and continuous assessment, which contributes to continual learning and makes entry into the programmes somewhat easier, especially at the beginning. The bachelor's programme is distinguished by its practical orientation, which includes study abroad, internships, academic English, communication/rhetoric, and instruction in applying for jobs, preparing students in concrete ways for their future careers. 

Students should have a broad interest in languages, literature, and cultures. In short, they should enjoy reading! Foreign languages and history are useful in studying Dutch philology, but knowledge of Dutch is not required (but is counted if present). Please see the admission requirements.

Foreign Language Skills

Students who intend to acquire a Master of Education for teaching in the Haupt- and Realschule and a Master of Education for teaching in the Gymnasium must provide evidence of their skills in one other foreign language by the time they attend the finals (Abschluss) in the master's programme.

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg as a student from outside of Germany, you need an adequate knowledge of German.

German Language Proficiency
You can proof your German language proficiency with the following language certificates:

  • DSH: Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level 2)
  • TestDaF: Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (with level 4 in all four areas)

The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment. For other proof possiblities see: Language requirements

Careers and Areas of Employment

The bachelor's programme in Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies at the University of Oldenburg is a three year, practically-oriented course of studies that does not lose sight real world applications for course content. Knowledge of literature studies, culture, and history qualifies graduates for careers in publishing (editing, translation, press relations), journalism (newspapers, radio, television), public relations, and commercial continuing education. Furthermore, knowledge of cultural differences (business cultures and intercultural communication) is itself a worthwhile competence, qualifying graduates to work in the area of German-Dutch cooperation or in internationally oriented business consulting. Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies offers good preparation for work in international organisations, many of which require English and an additional foreign language.

Students who intend to become teachers increase their chances of landing a good job with Dutch, as interest in Dutch as a school subject is on the increase. Students who wish to continue their studies (for example at the doctoral level) benefit from intensive technical and organisational assistance (research projects and stipends).

Target Group/Admission Requirements

International applicants who received their prior education abroad should apply online through uni-assist. For further details see: Application for international students

For more details see Foreign language skills on this page.

Application/Admission Procedures

This is an open admissions degree course, and application is only possible in the winter semester.
The application deadline for the winter semester is 15 October.

If applicable, the application deadline depends on the first subject, if it is admission restricted.

Overview application deadlines Dual-Subject Bachelor's programmes

InfoPortal Studium (Changed: 03 Feb 2025)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/stud/121en
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