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Facts and Data

  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • Degree Award: Bachelor of Arts
  • Language: German
  • admission free
  • Special admission requirements

Pedagogic acting in migration society - Bachelor's Programme

This Bachelor’s degree programme has been specially designed for refugees and migrants who have faced significant disruptions and obstacles throughout their qualification and academic careers. 
The programme’s curriculum and teaching formats have been developed to reflect the students’ previous education, linguistic proficiency, comparative skills and academic experiences. This way, students have the opportunity to further develop their skills and expertise as educators and are better prepared for future careers as educational specialists in Germany or abroad

Orientation and Goals

In view of the prevailing demographic trends, this programme has a strong focus on education in migration societies. As such, the study objectives address both current and expected future demands on professionals active in social education (education, family support and social counselling, educational projects and youth work, migration work and school social work). Students also have the opportunity to discover other areas of the profession and prepare for the world of work by doing work placements at cultural organisations and counselling centres, among other possibilities. 
All of the courses, study and examination credits provided enable students to work independently and on a scientific basis on problems, challenges and potentials of parenting, education and coping relationships, and to refer in their reflections to educational and socio-pedagogical debates as well also intervene in these technical discussions.. 
Furthermore, the competence is imparted to make a professionally substantiated contribution to the analysis and reduction of access and communication barriers in the migration society. In addition, the competence will be further developed, supported and professionally stimulated to conduct and reflect on international comparisons.

Study Design and Contents

This Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogic acting in migration society comprises 15 modules, all of which are connected to each other in some way. These modules are taught within the standard period of study (four semesters). 

In the first semester (3rd semester), five modules are offered, which have an introductory character and are related to the professional debates in Germany.In addition to an introduction to German as an Academic Language in the educational and social sciences (3 ECTS credits), all students, regardless of their academic background, take introductory courses in the Basics of Educational Science (9 ECTS credits), Migration Education and Social Education (each 6 ECTS credits) and Education and Social Systems and Education and Social Policy (6 ECTS credits). Key themes from educational and social sciences regarding inequality and hierarchies in migration societies will be covered in more detail. In addition, explicit international comparisons will be conducted on the content, structures and functions of educational and social systems and policies.

In the second and third semester (4th and 5th study semesters), students take the modules Professionalism in Education (6 ECTS credits), Social Institutions and Stages of Life (6 ECTS credits) and Pedagogy and social diversity (6 ECTS credits) with students on the Educational Science programme. They also take the Research Methods (6 ECTS credits) module together. In the module Pedagogy OR Education in Societal Difference Relations, a special emphasis is placed on recognising and understanding inequality and power relations and their significance for the work of educators (especially concerning gender, ethnic-national-cultural affiliations, social situation/inequality, special abilities/special needs).
The Law and Administration module (6 ECTS credits) was designed especially for the students on this degree programme. Students are also required to complete the Internship Module (15 ECTS credits). This gives them a glimpse of real-life situations and helps them establish and maintain contacts in the professional field in Germany. They also have the option of taking specialisation modules (worth 6 ECTS credits), e.g. Managing Diversity or Introduction to Social Work in Schools.

In the fourth semester (6th study semester) students complete the Bachelor’s graduation module (15 ECTS credits), in which they write their Bachelor’s thesis (12 ECTS credits) and attend a relevant colloquium (3 ECTS credits). In addition, a number of modules that were specially designed for students on this programme are also available during this semester, such as the Counselling and Communication in Social Education Environments module (6 ECTS credits) and Duties OR Task and Methods of educational occupational and fields of action module (6 ECTS credits). These modules cover the basics of historical and political frameworks in Germany, which are particularly relevant in the migration context and in the development of migration societal competence in educational occupational fields. The Duties OR Task and Methods of educational occupational and fields of action module (similar to the Education and Social Systems and Education and Social Policy module in the 3rd semester) gives students the opportunity to develop their professional (linguistic and cultural) and comparative skills.

The German as an Academic Language module, specially designed for students on this degree programme, is offered in all four semesters (each 3 ECTS credits). Here, students discuss the contents of the other modules they are taking that semester and focus on the specific terminology used in those particular topics.
This Bachelor’s degree programme prepares students for both the world of work, or, if they wish to continue their education, a Master’s degree in Educational Sciences.

Focus Areas

An important aspect of this degree programme is the special OR unique opportunity to study both Migration Education and Social Education, and focuses on both theoretical and practical perspectives of social work.

Teaching and Learning

Lectures and seminars

Foreign Language Skills

To be admitted to this degree programme, international students are required to submit proof of their proficiency in German along with their application.

German language skills 
This can be done by:

  • If the applicants have a university entrance qualification or a university degree obtained in German
  • Proficiency in German can be proven by one of the following certificates:
    • DSH-2 (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) or
    • TestDaF with level 4 in all areas or
    • Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (GDS) or
    • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule

If at the time of the application and enrolment the student does have proof that they have achieved in German at least B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, they may still be admitted to the programme on condition that they pass the respective fore mentioned examinations by the end of the second semester. 

Language skills

  • Knowledge of another language that is relevant to current migration-related issues (e.g. Arabic, Kurdish, Persian, Romanian, Russian, Turkish), at at least C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Proof of proficiency in a foreign language is deemed to have been provided if that language is an applicant's native language or if they completed their university entrance examinations in that language.

For other proof possibilities see: Language requirements

Careers and Areas of Employment

This Bachelor’s programme prepares students for both the world of work and a Master’s degree. Graduates of the Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogic acting in migration society go on to work in various positions at many different types of institutions:

  • Child care facilities (e.g. crèches, day-care centres, day care for schoolchildren)
  • Facilities that provide help to children, youths, parents and families (e.g. parent-child facilities, youth residential groups, child custody authorities and information offices, general and municipal social services, youth welfare office)
  • School social work (e.g. supporting students in the transition from school to vocational training, conflict resolution programmes, developing, processing and implementing conflict management strategies)
  • Facilities that support and promote work for the elderly, geriatric care centres (e.g. offices for senior citizens, neighbourhood assistance)
  • Counselling agencies for people in precarious or acute situations or with specific concerns (e.g. social counselling, addiction counselling, assistance for offenders, services for young migrants, counselling for victims of sexual or violent attacks)
  • Recreational facilities with socio-educational services (e.g. youth centres, adventure playgrounds, extracurricular learning centres)
  • Institutions that support community and cultural work (e.g. district meetings, cultural centres)
  • Institutions that promote civic engagement (e.g. volunteer organisations, human rights organisations)
  • Educational institutions for adults (e.g. community colleges, trades unions, churches, associations, academies)
  • National and state advice centres for migrants (e.g. centres for adults, services for young migrants, integration advice in Lower Saxony)
  • Municipal coordinators and representatives for migration and integration issues (recently participation)
  • Facilities for refugee and asylum counselling services at groups and associations (e.g. charitable organisations, refugee councils, counselling centres, asylum initiatives, psychosocial counselling centres)
  • Educational institutions offering integration courses and socio-educational support
  • Advice and coordination centres for job seekers (recognition of vocational qualifications and access to the labour market)
  • Project, teaching and consultancy activities on topics such as migration, diversity and racism at foundations, groups or associations
  • Providing educational courses at companies and foundations, chambers and associations (e.g. Chambers of Commerce)
  • Universities/Universities of Applied Sciences:

Please note: Completing this Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogic acting in migration society does not mean that graduates are automatically state-certified.

Target Group/Admission Requirements

International applicants who received their prior education abroad should apply online through uni-assist. For further details see: Application for international students

Applicants must have attained the basic level required for Educational Science degree programmes (36 ECTS credits) (Foundations of Educational Science, History of Educational Science, Fields of Educational Practice, Basics of Social Science for Educators, Educational Psychology/Psychological Foundations for Educators, Research Methods for Educators). They must also meet the requirements for the specialisation modules according to Annexes 3a and 3b of the Bachelor’s Examination Regulations (BER) (24 ECTS credits).

German and other language skills
For more details see Foreign language skills on this page.

Application/Admission Procedures

Enrolment takes place in the 3rd study semester.

This is an open admissions degree course, and application is only possible in the winter semester.
The application deadline for the winter semester is 15 October.

Overview application deadlines Bachelor's programmes

In order to ensure equal opportunities, applicants may be exempt from submitting supporting documents if, through no fault of their own, it is difficult for them to do so or if they no longer have copies of those documents because they fled their homeland or were the victims of political discrimination. For more information, see the Admissions Regulations.


International applicants: There are different application procedures.

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