
Meik Möllers

Division 4 - Facility Management

+49 441 798-5400

Energy Crisis

The energy crisis also affects our university. The ultimate aim is to ensure continued in person teaching. What is the overall situation? What is the university doing to save energy? What can we all contribute? An overview.

An oblique view of a photovoltaic module that looks much chunkier than today's panels.
Research Energy Campus Life

Still going strong after 40 years

First-generation solar modules built back in the 1970s are still generating electricity today. In a new study, the output of some of the modules was measured.

The group in the green in front of a university building, two people hold the climate protection concept in their hands.
Sustainability Energy Top News

University adopts climate action plan

The university aims to be climate neutral by 2030. An integrated climate protection concept provides the framework for this ambitious plan.


Embracing the crisis to make a better future

Running a university at a time when energy resources are scarce is a challenging task. In this interview Jörg Stahlmann, Vice President of the university, talks about the top priorities for the winter semester and new opportunities regarding the university's goal of climate neutrality.

Aerial view of the university buildings on the Wechloy campus.

Goal: reduce electricity and gas consumption by a fifth

Generating electricity with solar panels, applying LEDs as lighting or using waste heat - there are many possibilities for obtaining energy from renewable sources or reducing the consumption of electricity and gas on campus.


Energy saving tips for the University of Oldenburg

Use electricity and heat as economically as possible – if we can do that, we will get through the winter well on campus. Everyone can contribute to this. Tips for the office, the seminar room, the laboratory and the kitchenette.


Major potential to cut emissions from electricity and gas consumption

The University has set itself the goal of becoming climate neutral. This goal was turned into a project. The first milestone has already been reached: the working group Climate Neutral University presented a Greenhouse Gas Balance.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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