Pade Quantum Mechanics

Pade Quantum Mechanics
"Quantum Mechanics for Pedestrians" - Oldenburg textbook published by Springer
Quantum Mechanics for Pedestrians is the title of a textbook in two volumes just published by the renowned publishing house Springer. It has been written by Jochen Pade, physicist at the Institute for Physics of Oldenburg University. The German version (entitled Quantenmechanik zu Fuß) has been available in the Springer programme since 2012.
Jochen Pade has been lecturing on quantum mechanics in the graduate programmes M.Ed. Physics and M.Sc. Engineering Physics at Oldenburg University for many years. He has not only attached importance to imparting the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, but it was also a real concern to him to gradually introduce students to modern concepts and applications in this field of theoretical physics. Owing to many years of experience in teaching he was able to make the approach to the material easier for students who generally regard it as difficult.
Pade was among the first to provide his students with an accompanying script, which they used to revise the material by applying it in many exercises and to strengthen it that way. Many positive responses to this script eventually made him present a two-volume book that is now available by Springer in German and English language. At the Institute for Physics, we are quite confident that the English version will also reach a broad readership.