
For any questions regarding the Orientation Year, please contact:

Presidential Department for Study Affairs

Katrin Freese
Clara Liehmann


Office Hours: by appointment

Orientation Year for Refugees (2016-2021)

The Orientation Year was a unique educational programme offered by the University of Oldenburg for people with a refugee status. It was intended for refugees who, before starting or continuing their studies in Germany, wanted to acquire the necessary German language skills and prepare for the demands and challenges of higher education in Germany.

The Orientation Year programme briefly included German language courses for obtaining the DSH-Certificate ('Deutsche Sprachprüfungfür den Hochschulzugang' or 'The German Language Test for the Admission of Foreign Study Applicants'), preparatory courses for university entrance and higher education in Germany, courses for guest students, special support and advisory services.

The programme was integrated into the university's regular language courses and degree programmes. This helped participants to integrate into university life during their Orientation Year.

The orientation year started in the summer semester of 2016 and ended in the winter semester of 2020/21. Starting in March 2021 there will be offered a new programme for all international students at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (INSTEP) to support and guide them during the first two semesters of their studies.
Study preparation INSTEP

Press Releases and Articles (ARCHIVE)

Listen to Bayan Anouz’s talk about her Orientation Year experience (Video in German)

Kontakt INSTEP (Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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