
Bärbel Rieckmann

+49 (0)441 798-2918

Funding by Foundations in Lower Saxony

Funding by Foundations in Lower Saxony

There are several private and economic foundations in Lower Saxony involved in research funding. The most important foundations in Lower Saxony are listed here (websites only in German).

EWE Foundation

The focal points of the EWE Foundation are training and education, academic research as well as art and culture.

OLB Foundation

The sole purpose of the Foundation is to promote culture, science and economy in the business area of the Oldenburgische Landesbank AG.

Lower Saxony Lottery Foundation

The focal points eligible for support from the Lottery Foundation are art, culture, sports, environmental protection and development cooperation. There should normally be a national reference for the funding of project-related individual projects or it must be an exemplary project or a project of special importance for the state of Lower Saxony.

NOTE: The Nds. Lottery Foundation was dissolved at the end of 2008. Their cultural tasks have since been taken on by the Stiftung Niedersachsen.

Lower Saxony Wadden Sea (Tidelands) Foundation

The Lower Saxony Wadden Sea Foundation promotes environmental and landscape protection in the Wadden Sea National Park and its catchment area. Projects relating to energy saving and the use of environmentally friendly and renewable energies from science and research are supported.

Regional Foundation of the Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg

The Regional Foundation of the Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg supports projects in science and research regarding the Oldenburg region. 

Foundation for Art and Culture of the Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg

The wide range of funding measures cover music, literature, museums and theatre, visual arts, the cultivation of the home region and the preservation of historical monuments. The aim is to preserve and promote the cultural diversity in the Oldenburg region and, in doing so, to contribute towards a regional cultural identity in a politically and economically united Europe. The measures and projects are aimed at the support of the cultural and artistic structure in the Oldenburg region. The sole purpose of the Foundation is to promote culture, science and economy in the business area of the LzO.

The Foundation of Lower Saxony

The Foundation of Lower Saxony exclusively promotes the cultural sciences as well as cultural education and mediation.

Foundation of Lower Saxony Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken

The main idea of the Foundation is to build bridges between culture, science and economy. Therefore, projects are mainly supported which aim to establish communication. The foundation supports projects in both areas of cultural initiatives with event character (e.g. theatre projects, concerts, exhibitions and festivals) as well as the transfer of scientific results to a broader public. The aspect of communication and collaboration between science, industry and culture is important for the funded projects.

Lower Saxony Sparkassenstiftung

The Lower Saxony Sparkassenstiftung promotes visual arts, music, museums and monument conservation.

Foundations in the Weser-Ems Region

Foundations from the Weser-Ems region which support students or science and research are listed below. Detailed information can be requested directly from the respective foundations.  

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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