
Bärbel Rieckmann

+49 (0)441 798-2918

DFG Liaison Officers

Prof. Dr. Christoph Herrmann

Major Research Instrumentation (Art. 91b of the Basic Law)

Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers

Online Information Events for Applicants

Online events on equity and diversity [page in German only, talks sometimes in English]

German Research Foundation

German Research Foundation (DFG)

The DFG promotes research projects in all scientific fields. Scientific excellence, the funding of junior researchers, interdisciplinarity and internationality are cornerstones of the funding. In addition to supporting individual projects and research collaborations, the DFG awards outstanding research achievements, and promotes scientific infrastructure and international scientific contacts. An overview of the entire spectrum of DFG funding can be found on the homepage of the DFG under Funding Programmes. 

The homepage of the DFG contains detailed information about:

Further Information, Advice and Support?

Do you have questions about your proposal?

The DFG provides a wide range of information on their pages for you (please note, not all documents are available in English):

Internal University Advice and Support?

All universities that are members of the German Research Foundation appoint a professor to act as a DFG Liaison Officer. The Liaison Officers are the local DFG contacts for researchers who are considering applying to the DFG for funding. The Officer’s task is to advise (particularly first-time) applicants with any questions about the proposal and submission process, however also to provide general information about the DFG's various funding opportunities. The Liaison Officer for the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg is .

Please feel free to contact Bärbel Rieckmann for internal university support and individual advice on your questions concerning the DFG funding.

You need assistance with your DFG proposal for the area of financing? Please contact the employees in Division 2 - Finance [DE].

(Changed: 03 Sep 2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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