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Facts and Data

  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • Degree Award: Master of Laws
  • Language: German
  • admission free
  • Special admission requirements
  • Extra occupational
  • Fee-based

Law and Information Systems - Master's Programme

Orientation and Goals

This postgraduate and part-time Master's programme in Law and Information Systems (LL.M.) addresses the increasing demand for lawyers, business economists and computer scientists who are experts in the field of IT law in its broadest sense. Business enterprises as well as law firms are interested in employees who are trained in this field, which is rarely taught in higher education law programmes.

This Master's programme in Law and Information Systems meets this demand and aims to develop practical solutions with the support of proven experts. As a cross-sectional legal matter combining public law, civil law and criminal law, the study programme is particularly attractive for students with an affinity for information processing and telecommunications technology. IT law encompasses the classic legal areas of telecommunications and media law, copyright and industrial property rights, e-commerce law, and internet law. Alternatively, eGovernment, (computer) criminal law, data protection law, and law of new technologies can be chosen.

Foreign Language Skills

Admission to a degree programme at the University of Oldenburg is subject to sufficient proficiency in the German language:

  • DSH Level 2 (German language examination for university entrance) or
  • TestDaF Level 4 in all four categories

For further information, please refer to the language requirements

Careers and Areas of Employment

This degree qualifies a graduate for leading positions in law firms and IT firms, and can also lead to an academic or scientific career. The course content is oriented towards the core subjects relating to a specific professional designation in Germany, 'Fachanwalt für Informationstechnologierecht', allowing this theoretical knowledge to be proven. The designation 'Fachanwalt' may be awarded by the Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer) in individual cases upon the individual examination of qualifications. Additionally, there is a possibility of completing one module per semester in order to demonstrate annual further education for specialists in IT law (who have already acquired the legal professional designation 'Fachanwalt/Fachanwältin Informationstechnologierecht', in accordance with § 15 FAO).

Target Group/Admission Requirements

'- certification of the first state exam for jurists or 'Diplom', bachelor's degree, or master's in law or equivalent qualification including Transcript of Records

  • at least one year of professional experience in law or
  • a two year legal clerkship after the first state exam for jurists or
  • equivalent apprenticeship

Application/Admission Procedures

This is an open admissions degree course, and applications are accepted for both the winter and summer semesters.

Detailed application deadlines for the winter semester 2024/2025 (summer semester 2025):

  • Applications with a German university entrance qualification or degree: by 1 September 2024 (1 March 2025)
  • Applications from the EU: by 1 September 2024 (1 March 2025)
  • Applications from third countries (non-EU): by 1 August 2024 (1 February 2025)

Overview application deadlines Master's programmes


The degree programme is liable to charges. For further information please check the regulations Gebühren- und Entgeltordnung

International applicants: There are different application procedures.

InfoPortal Studium (Changed: 23 Aug 2024)  | 
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