
Learning Workshops of the Study and Career Counselling Service (ZSKB)

People ask me why I write. I write to find out what I know.

(Virginia Woolf)

Writing at university – a necessary evil? We believe that writing can be much more: A craft, a means of reflection, a tool for thinking … Based on the latest research on writing, we support students in their academic working, writing and learning. Everyone can learn academic writing.


Dr. Simone Brühl

Doctorate of Literature, systemic coach
Favourite place to write: on the train  

Elise-Marie Dilger, M.Sc.

Psychologist, intercultural trainer 
Favourite time to write: when the sun rises or sets

Johanna Imm, M.A.

Musicologist, writing coach, systemic learning coach
Favourite writing guide: “Frei geschrieben“ by Judith Wolfsberger

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