Good Scientific Practice

Ever asked yourself to whom your results belong? Or who is setting the Authorship ranking on a paper?

Trust the system of science is based and depends on the honesty of all members of the scientific community. However, every now and then the media report on scientific misconduct, and besides such widely publicized affairs, more or less serious breaches of rules occur in the immediate environment of many a scientist. But what are the rules?
This one-day Workshop will introduce the recommendations on good scientific practice of the Germen Science Foundation (DFG), and the official procedures for dealing with scientific misconduct at the University of Oldenburg.
It will also be discussed which mechanisms contribute to misconduct, and how every researcher can help to uphold the principles for good scientific practice in his/her day-to-day activity.

Trainer: Dr. Beate Grünberg

Please register in StudIP.

31.05.2016 09:00 – 16:00

Universities guest house, Drögen-Hasen-Weg 64


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