Dr. Lydia Heidrich
Dr. Lydia Heidrich
Lydia Heidrich works as an academic coordinator in the international research project Reconfigurations of Educational In/Equalities in a Digital World (RED). She previously worked as a research assistant in the Unit of Intercultural Education at the University of Bremen (UB). She obtained her PhD in 2024 with an ethnographic study on the risk of educational inequality among newly arrived students in Bremen. Her work and research interests include migration and schools, discrimination, theories of social practices, ethnography as well as science and research management.
Research Interests
- Migration and School
- Education inequality
- Discrimination
- Theories of social practices
- Ethnography
- Science and Research Management
Heidrich, Lydia (2024). Die Herstellung von Differenz in Vorbereitungsklassen. Eine praxistheoretisch-ethnographische Studie zu Bildungsungleichheit im Kontext neuer Migration. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich. https://doi.org/10.3224/84743091
Heidrich, Lydia; Karakaşoğlu, Yasemin; Mecheril, Paul; Shure, Saphira (eds.) (2021). Regimes of Belonging – Schools – Migrations. Teaching in (Trans)National Constellations. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-29189-1
Vogel, Dita/Heidrich, Lydia (2020): Make Connections – ask questions. Sprachsensible Schulen im Internationals Network for Public Schools in New York. TraMiS working paper 3. University of Bremen. Faculty 12. Unit of Intercultural Education. https://doi.org/10.26092/elib/222