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Felix Büchner

In his dissertation he is ethnographically investigating the production of difference through and with educational technologies in secondary schools in Lower Saxony. To this end, he works with perspectives from STS and Media Culture Studies, and draws on Schul- und Unterrichtsforschung and Critical Studies of Educational Technology. His research interests include educational inequalities, educational technologies, cultural education and social aspects of digitalization.

Curriculum vitae

Felix Büchner is a doctoral researcher at the UOL in the Digital Education and Schooling department since July 2023. He works in the RED project, which is part of an international research network in three world regions and deals with the connections between digital technologies in schools and social inequalities. He has been working in this role at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute since 2020. He holds an M.A. in Atlantic Studies in History, Culture and Society and an M.Ed. in Theater and German Studies from Leibniz Universität Hannover.


González López, A.E., Büchner, F. (2024). EdTech in a Broken World: Breaking and Repairing in Argentinian and German Schools. Postdigit Sci Educ (2024). 

Büchner, F. (2023). Review of Petar Jandrić, Alison MacKenzie, and Jeremy Knox (Eds.). (2023). Postdigital Research: Genealogies, Challenges, and Future Perspectives. Postdigit Sci Educ (2023).

Büchner, F., Bittner, M., & Macgilchrist, F. (2023). Imaginationen von Ungleichheit im Notfall-Distanzunterricht: Analyse eines Policydiskurses und seiner Problemrepräsentationen. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung, 20(Inklusive Medienbildung), 347–374.

Ferrante, P., Williams, F., Büchner, F., Kiesewetter, S., Chitsauko Muyambi, G., Uleanya, C., & Utterberg Modén, M. (2023). In/equalities in digital education policy – sociotechnical imaginaries from three world regions. Learning, Media and Technology, 0(0), 1–11.

Büchner, F. & Traulsen, S. (2022). Subversive Spielräume: Das Postdigitale Schultheater als kultureller Hackspace. In F. Falk, E. Schüler & I. Zinsmaier (Ed.), Zeitgenössische Theaterpädagogik: Macht- und diskriminierungskritische Perspektiven (pp. 205-222). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.

Traulsen, S. J., & Büchner, F. (2022). ‹Postdigitales Schultheater›: Eine Kartografie zentraler Akteurinnen des Diskurses ‹Theater und Digitalität›. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, 18 (Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik), 331–362.

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