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Facts and Data

  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • Degree Award: Master of Science
  • Language: English
  • admission limited
  • Special admission requirements

Biology - Master's Programme

Orientation and Goals

The biology master’s degree programme is a research oriented course of studies which aims to provide in depth training in the techniques and methods used in modern biology and related fields. The programme takes an interdisciplinary approach necessary for adequately conveying the complexity of biological sciences, and thus prepares students to work independently in industry, business, research or at other private or public institutions. Students acquire in-depth, interdisciplinary knowledge of mathematics and biological systems spanning the molecular and organism levels. The programme uses a methodological and practical approach to enable students to conduct independent research in accordance with scientific and ethical standards and to interpret and present research results appropriately. The international nature of the scientific community demands not only sound knowledge of subject matter but also well-developed communication skills, especially in English. Structured, hypothesis-driven thinking, communication skills and social competences form the basis of successful professional practice.

The Master's degree programme in Biology has the following learning outcomes:

  • in depth biological expertise
  • in depth knowledge of biological working methods
  • data analysis skills
  • interdisciplinary thinking
  • critical and analytical thinking
  • independent research and knowledge of scientific literature
  • ability to perform independent biological research
  • data presentation and discussion in German and English (written and spoken)
  • teamwork
  • ethical and professional behaviour
  • project and time management
  • statistics and scientific programming

The course of studies enables students to create a clear specialization profile in the areas of biodiversity, ecology, and evolution as well as neurobiology, molecular and cellular biology and genetics. The course of studies lays the groundwork for PhD work and thus forms the basis of education the next generation of academics in the institute of biology and environmental sciences.

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