
Head of Civil Service Law and Professorial Appointment Procedures, Division 1

Anne-Kathrin Friedrich

Chief Administrator for Professorial Appointment Management, Division 1

Samira Sassi

Head of the Planning and Development Unit

Thorsten Schulz

In addition to dealing with all matters related to employment law, Division 1 is exclusively responsible for monitoring compliance with employment law in appointment procedures as well as handling the subsequent hiring process and appointment to a position.

Information for professors within a tenure-track procedure

The Regulations for appointing tenured professorships within a tenure-track procedure at the University of Oldenburg govern the procedure leading to a tenured civil service appointment. They apply to fixed-term junior professors with a tenure track to W2 or W3 positions and to fixed-term W2 professors with a tenure track to W2 or W3 positions. The supplementary "Guidelines of the Presidential Board for the implementation of tenure-track procedures" contain additional information on the pertinent requirements.

With its tenure-track procedure, the University of Oldenburg seeks to offer attractive career prospects especially to highly qualified young academics and to retain them at the university in the long term. By conducting a criteria-based, multi-stage procedure with the involvement of external expertise, the university aims to meet the highest standards of quality and transparency.

In order to advise tenure-track professors in all matters related to their evaluation and to support them in their overall career development, the Schools shall appoint a suitable person to act as a mentor. The mentoring relationship is subject to strict confidentiality on both sides (mentor-mentee). It is not affected by rank. Therefore, the mentor cannot be a member of the evaluation committee or the Tenure Board at the same time. Further information can be found in the "Guidelines for implementing mentoring for tenure-track professors". Accepting a mentoring offer is voluntary for tenure-track professors and can be declined without giving any reasons.

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