
If you have general questions, please contact the appointment management team at

If you have already applied for a professorship, please contact the respective school with any questions about the ongoing procedure.

Current vacancies

Announcements of currently vacant professorships can be found at


Information for applicants

Would you like to apply for a professorship or junior professorship at the University of Oldenburg?
We have answered the most frequently asked questions below.

What is the legal framework?

Regulations for the appointment of professors govern the procedure for filling professorships and junior professorships at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.
The recruitment requirements are based on § 25 (for W2 and W3 professorships) and § 30 (for junior professorships) of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG).

What are the recruitment requirements for W2 or W3 professorships?

The recruitment requirements for W2 oder W3 professorships are based on § 25 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG). Please refer to the advertisement text for further job-specific employment requirements.

What are the recruitment requirements for junior professorships?

The recruitment requirements for junior professorships are based on § 30 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG). Please refer to the advertisement text for further job-specific employment requirements.

How can I apply for a professorship?

Please refer to the specific job advertisement for the application procedure and the required documents. Visit to see our current vacancies.

The University of Oldenburg has decided to introduce web-based software for conducting appointment procedures. This allows applicants to apply via the university's application web portal and submit their data and documents online. Please refer to the job advertisement to find out whether the application should be submitted via the web portal.
Here you can find further information regarding the web portal.

How is the appointment procedure for a professorship or junior professorship structured?

Application phase
Please apply by the application deadline. Please refer to the advertisement text or the application form in the web portal for the modalities and documents to be submitted.

Examination of the documents
The commission reviews the applications received based on the advertisement text and the specialist focus of the professorship.

Suitable applicants are invited to a public university hearing.

Expert reports
For shortlisted applicants, the committee then obtains at least two external expert opinions.

Appointment proposal
After the hearing and the assessment of the expert opinions, the committee draws up a proposal for the appointment of the professorship for the Faculty Council.
The Faculty Council passes a resolution on the committee's appointment proposal and, after consulting with the Senate and the Central Equal Opportunities Officer, forwards it to the Presidential Board. The Presidential Board makes the final decision on the appointment proposal and submits it to the Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK), requesting that a call be issued.
This procedure applies to all professorships - permanent, fixed-term or with tenure track. In the case of junior professorships without tenure track, the Presidential Board makes the final decision.

Negotiations with the listed candidates
Immediately after the Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK) informs the applicant of the call, or the Presidential Board decides to offer a junior professorship, the appointment negotiations are prepared.

The procedure usually ends with the appointment of a listed candidate.

Where can I obtain information on the general status of the procedure?

For procedures that are carried out using the web portal, you can track the general status of the procedure in your account at any time.

For procedures that are not carried out using the web portal, you will be informed by the respective school in due course without being asked.

Are there any particularities for clinical professorships (University Medicine Oldenburg)?

Due to the cooperation model underlying the university's medical school, clinical professorships are part-time appointments combined with a leading clinical position at one of the cooperating hospitals. The appointment procedure is carried out jointly by the university and the hospital. For this purpose, the general appointment procedure has been expanded to account for the unique concerns of patient care. As a result, the hospital is to be involved in the process via the appointment committee. Members of the hospital may also participate in parts of the hearings open to the university community. To determine clinical aptitude, applicants may be visited at their place of employment (on-site visits). Individual hospital selection processes (e.g. assessment centres) may take place concurrently. As the professorial appointment is contingent upon the appointment as clinic director or chief physician becoming legally effective, or vice versa, both appointment negotiations and contract negotiations are conducted in close mutual agreement between the university and the hospital.

Are there any particularities for tenure-track professorships?

Tenure-track professorships are initially filled according to the general procedure for filling a professorship or junior professorship.

A tenure-track procedure is carried out to obtain the lifetime professorship. You can find more information on the tenure-track procedure here.

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