
BIS - Library and Information System
Central Information Service

Phone 0441 - 798 4444

Access and research

Access and research

ORBISplus, the Database Information System (DBIS) and the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) index a large number of academic resources (books, databases, e-journals). The University Library Oldenburg acquires licenses to provide its users with access to most of these electronic resources. In addition, selected resources are available across Germany through national licenses.

All our licensed online resources (e-books, e-journals, databases) are accessible on the workstations on the campus network.

In the Library

Within the library the following access modes exist:

  • All affiliated members of the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg have access via the university’s WiFi or via the public workstations in the library. Authentication through your university account (e.g. abcd4321 plus password) is required.
  • External users of the library have access only via the public workstations in the library. A registration at the Information Desk is required for this time-limited access. Log-on at the selected workstation is done with your library-account username (v. library card) and password.

Off-Campus Access

Full members of the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg have off-campus access to a large number of our licensed online resources. Full members in this sense are according to NHG § 16 (Niedersächsisches Hochschulgesetz as promulgated on 26 February 2007*)

  • professors and junior professors,
  • research associates as well as teaching staff for special tasks,
  • students and
  • technical and administrative staff.

The licensed online resources must be accessed via the library’s website or the ORBISplus catalogue. Authentication as full member of the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg is done through your university account. Teaching staff for special tasks log on using their library-account username and password.
Any VPN tunnel must be disconnected beforehand.

* The German text is the authoritative text.

From Reference to full Text - SFX

Many databases and the EndNote reference management software feature an SFX OL button.

One click on the SFX OL button next to the search results in a database brings you to a service page. Here you have several options for accessing the full text to a reference. The options will be listed according to relevance as follows:

  1. Link to electronic full text, provided the University Library has the license for the text or it is freely available on the Internet.
  2. Referral to OPAC
  3. Referral to the GBV Common Library Network.

Subject-specific research

The subject-specific information pages provide information for subject-specific research. Here you will find electronic resources and research tools relevant for your subject.

  • Library contacts: Subject-specific information
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