
Institute of English and American Studies  (» Postal address)


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A06 2-203 (» Adress and map)

Dienstags: 10:30-11:30 Uhr/ Tuesdays: 10:30-11:30 a.m.

+49 441 798-4414  (F&P

Christian Kramer

Research Interests
  • Classroom research
  • Plurilingualism & Multilingualism
  • Schnittstelle: Englische Fremdsprachendidaktik & Mehrspachigkeitsdidaktik
  • Schnittstelle: English as a Foreign Language EFL and English as a Multilingua franca EMLF
  • Translanguaging
  • Queer and Diversity Education in Foreign Language Teaching
  • Gender and (Taboo) Language

International Research Project: TEACUP

Together with my colleagues, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gehring and Dr. Sylke Bakker I am part of Teacher, Culture, Pluri (TEACUP), an international project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Ref. No. 2019-1-ES01-KA203-064412), which promotes the integration of plurilingual/pluricultural approaches into international foreign language teacher education. As part of the project we developed versatile educational modules that equip teacher educators with resources and materials that promote a plurilingual and pluricultural approach to the teaching of foreign languages such as English (EFL). The Materials are available online here and can be download for free.

TEACUP is the collaborative effort of a number of foreign language teacher trainers and researchers from seven institutions belonging to five countries: The University of Córdoba (Spain), Delegation of Education in Córdoba (Spain), Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Germany), University of Bremen (Germany), University of Lower Silesia (Poland), TEE: the Hungarian section of the European Association of Teachers (Hungary), Texas Woman’s University (USA).

For more information please visit the project website


Academic CV


2017 – 2022

PhD in EFL Teaching/English Didactics (Englische Fremdsprachendidaktik), University of Oldenburg
Thesis title: "Der kollaborative Einsatz plurilingualer Techniken von fortgeschrittenen Lerner:innen des Englischen als Fremdsprache – Gesprächsanalytische Zugänge an der Schnittstelle von englischer Fremdsprachendidktik und Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik"
May 2022: Defense of thesis – „magna cum laude” (with great honor)


Master of Arts in Language Sciences, University of Bremen
MA thesis: "The Talking Dead – The Representation of Taboo
Language and Gender in The Walking Dead"

2011 Bachelor of Arts (English studies/philosophy), University of Oldenburg
BA thesis: "Gender-related Differences in American English Backchanneling"


Academic positions


Lecturer (LfbA) in English Didactics
Institute for English and American Studies at the University of Oldenburg

2010-2015 Student/Research assistant and tutor in English Didactics and Linguistics
Institute for English and American Studies at the University of Oldenburg

Former academic afilliations

2012 Research assistant
"Juniorprofessur für Pädagogik bei Störungen in Sprache und Kommunikation" at the University of Erfurt




  • Kramer, Christian (2024): Kollaborative Mehrsprachigkeit in Lehr-/Lernkontexten: Empirische Zugänge an der Schnittstelle von englischer Fremdsprachendidaktik und Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik. Berlin: Peter Lang.

Articles in edited volumes

  • Kramer, Christian; Czura, Anna; Pfingsthorn, Joanna & Stefl, Martin (2021): "Interculturality and Professional Identity: Exploring the Potential of Telecollaboration in Foreign Language Teacher Education" in: Victoria, Mabel   and Chittima Sangiamchit (eds), Interculturality and the English Language Classroom, London: Palgrave  Macmillan,
  • Kramer, Christian (2020): "Mehrsprachigkeit 2.0 - Linguistic Landscaping als Möglichkeit zur integrierten Förderung von Mehrsprachigkeits- und Digitalkompetenz(en) im Fremdsprachenunterricht Englisch." In: Pfingsthorn, Joanna & Doff, Sabine (eds): Media Meets Diversity@School: Wie kann Lernen und Lehren in der digitalen Welt unter den Vorzeichen von Diversität gelingen?, Trier:  WVT,

Articles in Journals

  • Kramer, Christian; Czura, Anna; Pfingsthorn, Joanna & Stefl, Martin (2019): " Cultural diversity and the formation of professional identity: exploring the potential of telecollaboration in foreign language education." In: European Journal of Language Policy 11 (2), 143-165.

Talks & Posters

  • "'[N]ow that I see zwaard and Schwert and sword it all makes perfect sense' - Zur Möglichkeit der Förderung von plurilingualen Strategien von EFS LernerInnen im Englischen Fremdsprachenunterricht", 14. DGFF Tagung für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, 12-13.03.2019, Justus von Liebig Universität, Gießen.
  • "Sprachliche und kulturelle Selbstrepräsentationen als Voraussetzung für Inklusion?", Vortrag mit Joanna Pfingsthorn, Inklusiver Englischunterricht: Gemeinsam Lehren und Lernen (IEGLL), 20.-21.09.2018, Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg.
  • "Translanguaging 2.0 - Digitale Medien  als Instrument zur Förderung plurilingualer Kompetenz  im Englischen Fremdsprachenunterricht", Abschlusstagung der HWK-Fokusgrupppe Media Meets Diversity @ School, 30.-31.08.2018, Hansewissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst.
  • "From English Language Teaching to Teaching (Trans)Languaging English - Taking a plurilingual perspective on EFL classroom interaction", Posterpresentation, 8. Niedersächsisches Kolloquium der Fremdsprachendidaktik, 22.06.2018, University of Hildesheim.
  • "Cultural diversity and the formation of professional identity: exploring the potential of telecollaboration in foreign language education", Vortrag mit Anna Czura, Joanna Pfingsthorn  & Martin Stefl, UNICollaboration: Cross-Disciplinary Organisation for Telecollaboration and Virtual Exchange in Higher Education, 25.-27.04.2018, Pedagogical University Kracow, Poland.
  • "Perpetuating (the lack of) plurilingual strategic competence: Preferences for and implementation of plurilingual resources among (future) non-native EFL teachers in Germany and Poland", Vortrag mit Joanna Pfingsthorn, 3rd International Conference on Bilingual Education, 07.-10.11.2017, University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain.
  • "(In)Flexible beyond the Fixed? On the Development of the Multicompetent Minds of non-native EFL Teachers  in Germany and Poland", Vortrag mit Joanna Pfingsthorn, Intercultural Communicative Competence: A Competitive Advantage for Global Employability (ICCAGE), 22.-23.06.2017, Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • "Interlanguage Pragmatics for Beginners", Gastvortrag mit Joanna Pfingsthorn, 19.01.2017, Institute for English Philology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland.
  • "In media res: Exploring perceived media competence", Vortrag mit Joanna Pfingsthorn, Language. Learning. Technology., 20.-21.11.2015, Leuphana University, Lüneburg.
  • "Schmutzig? Böse? 'Männlich'? - Dekonstruktion linguistischer Geschlechterperformanzen des Tabus", 4. Genderforschungstag des Zentrums für Interdisziplinäre Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung ZFG, 28.11.2014, Universität Oldenburg.


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