
Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Marcel Schlechtweg

Administrative Staff

Rita Bartels
Kurt-Simon Eggert
Heike Hillmer

Stefanie Lefherz (abgeordnet zum Personalrat)

Keti Antadze-Tamminga (EMMIR)
Martina Henschel-Roth (EMMIR)

Please contact the individual administrative staff.

+49 (0)441 798 3771

office hours: Mon & Wed, 10:00 – 12:00 & 2:00 - 3:00


Building A6 2nd floor 216-217

Student Council:

Building A6 Ground floor 017

+49 441 798-4453


Current News and Events

International Conference
Narrativising Surrogacy: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

For more details about presentations, times, and location read here.

Fachvorstellung BA-Anglistik/Amerikanistik 2022/2023

Dear future students,

welcome to our website (and more importantly welcome to our department!). On this page, you can find and access the materials for our departmental introduction ("Fachvorstellung"). As you hopefully know already, this introduction will consist of two parts this semester: An online asychronous part (where we provide you with a video with basic information about studying English and some organisational matters) and a live Q&A during which the lecturers of the department will briefly introduce themselves and you get the chance to ask all your questions. This live Q&A will take place on October 13th, 4:15 - 6pm in lecture theatre G in A07.

You can already download the presentation slides as a pdf-version HERE. From the beginning of October, you will also be able to find the video introduction here.

All the best, have a good start and hopefully see all of you at the live Q&A in October!

Enrollment Procedure for Courses in English and American Studies

How to find the list of modules and courses in English and American Studies 

All modules and courses are listed in Stud.IP. Find your degree programme and see an overview of the courses on offer in our department. Please be aware that changes in rooms, timetable, and courses are still possible.


How to enroll for courses in English and American Studies

In our department, enrollment is not organized on a first-come-first-served basis (i.e. “Windhund-Verfahren”) which requires you to sign in for courses at one specific day, hour, minute. Rather, we use a system that first registers the number of students interested in a specific course over a longer period of time, and then draws lots to select the students that will be given a place in the selected course (i.e. “Los-Verfahren”). With this system the enrollment process no longer depends on a fast internet connection and there is more flexibility about when you sign in for courses.

Please find a schedule for each term in a Listserver Email sent by Dr. Lassen.

Each winter term, the enrollment for basic modules takes place within the orientation week (Monday – Thursday). Courses are drawn (”Losverfahren”) on Friday. The enrollment period for advanced and master modules takes place around mid-September.


Each summer term, the enrollment for all modules takes place around mid-March.

What to do

Step 1: Have a look at the modules and courses offered this semester and identify the ones you want to attend.

Step 2: For each module that you want to attend, choose the particular courses you want within the designated enrollment period to signal your interest in participation. Within this time frame, it does not matter when you signal interest (i.e. if the enrollment period runs from Monday to Tuesday, your chances of securing a seat are exactly the same whether you sign in on Monday afternoon, or Tuesday morning).

Note A: Some modules, such as the introductory modules, offer a choice of numerous parallel courses. Select as many of the courses as possible and prioritize these (“drag&drop”). The more alternatives you select, the higher your chances of securing a place in the module.

Note B: Some modules consist of only one course (i.e. seminar); others require the enrollment in two or three different courses (i.e. tutorial, Übung, lecture). Check the relevant “Modulbeschreibung” for details.

Step 3: To ensure a productive learning and teaching environment, BA seminars are generally limited to 40 students. The maximum number of participants in Übungen in Language Practice, introductory modules and Master modules is lower. If the number of students interested in a particular course is at or below the maximum number of participants at the end of the enrollment period, all students will be granted a place in their preferred course. If the number of students interested in a particular course is larger than the maximum number of participants, the system draws lots and signs in the maximum number of participants. This is why it is important to select as many courses as possible when parallel courses are available – otherwise you might miss out completely.

Note: Stud.IP does not account for possible overlap with other courses, i.e. you may be allotted courses that overlap with another course in your second subject or another course in English. Choose one and sign out of the course that you do not want to attend.

Step 4: Once the enrollment period is up and the lots have been drawn, students who did not get a place in their requested course or students who were not yet registered in English/American Studies may sign up for any courses where the maximum number of participants has not yet been reached and seats are still available. These seats are allotted on a chronological first-come-first-served-basis (“Windhund-Verfahren”). Students that sign up for a course that is already full will be transferred to a waiting list.

Note: Please make sure you sign out of all courses that you do not want to attend to make room for another student!


If you did not receive your Stud.IP details in time and/or you missed the enrollment period, choose courses that still have seats available and write an e-mail to the lecturer explaining the problem.

Students who want to take master modules early or want to take extra courses out of interest can only do so if there is enough space - again, choose a course that still has seats available and write an e-mail to the lecturer explaining the problem.

Direct your queries regarding the enrollment procedure or any applications for special consideration to the Fachstudienberatung.

Note: Register for the department’s listserver to keep up to date with additional courses, vacancies, and other possible changes.

Pflichtauslandsaufenthalte und COVID-19

(Stand: 02.09.2022)

For the most up-to-date information on the current situation, please sign up for the Stud.IP course "3.02.086 Organisation and Supervision of Compulsory Stay Abroad [Anglistik/Amerikanistik]".

  • The credit transfer process has been moved online. [See here for updated information about how to get credit for your stay.]
  • Learning agreements for future stays abroad and Ersatzleistungen (if applicable) should also be submitted via the Stud.IP group. See here (study) and here (work).
  • Anna Auguscik and Lauren Freede are offering regular open office hours during the semester via the Stud.IP group – join the group to sign up for an appointment!
  • For further information on what to do if your stay abroad plans have been affected by the COVID-19 situation, see here.

Past Events and Information

Fachpräsentation zum Hochschulinformationstag 2019

Podiumsdiskussion: Own It! Wie mache ich EIN Studium zu MEINEM Studium?

Workshops und Konzert mit Bucky Halker, 25./26. Juni 2018

Am 25./26. Juni wird der US-amerikanische Singer/Songwriter Bucky Halker an unserer Fakultät zu Besuch sein ( Halker, der schon einige Male in Oldenburg war und sowohl Konzerte als auch Seminare gegeben hat, in denen er die Geschichte des Protestlieds thematisierte, wird auch dieses Mal Einiges im Programm haben, das Sie auf keinen Fall versäumen sollten:

- Am 25.06. bietet er von 16-18 Uhr ein Workshop mit dem Titel "Songs of Work and Protest - from the 19th Century to the Trump Era" an, in dem er historische und gegenwärtige Entwicklungen des politischen Liedes thematisiert (A6 2-212).

- Am Abend des 25.06. findet ab 20:00 Uhr ein Konzert im Kammermusiksaal der Universität Oldenburg statt, bei dem nicht nur 'Stationen' in der Geschichte des US-amerikanischen Protestlieds 'angespielt', sondern auch historisch kontextualisiert werden.

- Am 26.06. findet von 16-18 Uhr ein zweiter Workshop zum Thema "Singing/Songwriting" statt, in dem es um das Komponieren und Darbieten von Songs gehen wird (A9 0-019; Instrumente können ggfs. mitgebracht werden). Nach dem Workshop bestünde zudem die Möglichkeit, bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen weiter zu diskutieren.

Die Veranstaltungen bieten die außergewöhnliche Möglichkeit, mit einem Musiker sowohl auf geschichtswissenschaftlich-amerikanistischer als auch auf musikpraktischer Ebene ins Gespräch zu kommen - wir laden Sie herzlich dazu ein!

Die Anmeldung nur zu einem der beiden Workshops ist möglich, wir erbitten eine entsprechende E-Mail an bis zum 22.06.

Der Eintritt zum Konzert am 25.06. ist frei, die Kosten für das Abendessen müssten - falls Sie daran teilnehmen möchten - selbst getragen werden.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie Interesse an diesen Veranstaltungen fänden!

Herzliche Grüße

Martin Butler & Mario Dunkel

International Conference "The American Weird: Ecologies & Geographies," April 12-14, 2018 at the University of Göttingen

For H.P. Lovecraft, the weird conveys "a subtle attitude of awed listening, as if for the beating of black wings or the scratching of outside shapes and entities on the known universe’s utmost rim." Taking its cue from Lovecraft’s enduringly influential conceptualization, this conference examines and broadens the notion of weirdness towards an ecology and geography of the weird as a new field of theoretical and practical resonances. 
Co-organized with the Institute for English and American Studies, University of Oldenburg, the conference will be held at the University of Göttingen from April 12-14, 2018 and will take place at the Convention Center by the Observatory (Tagungszentrum an der Sternwarte), Geismar Landstr. 11, 37083 Göttingen. For registration and further information, please see the conference website.

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