
Head of Section

Jörg Sprenger


Volker Roth

Branch Office

Christina Oswald

Christine Winter


Dezernat 1 Personal/Organisation
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118
D-26129 Oldenburg
Gebäude V01 (Verwaltung)


New: Sick note now via online form!

Employees/ Contracts of Employment

Personnel Service,
including academic assistants

School I

Branch office
Institute of Educational Sciences

Heike Neunaber

Karin Paluch

Institute of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation
Institute of Social Sciences

Imke Hansjürgens (Personalreferentin)

Karin Paluch (Personalsachbearbeiterin)

School II

Branch office
Department of Computing Science (except VLBA)
Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law

Ute Kuhlmann (Personalreferentin)

Marius Mergen (Personalsachbearbeiter)

Department of Computing Science (only VLBA)

Schulte, Eva (Personalreferentin)

Marius Mergen (Personalsachbearbeiter)

School III

Branch office
Institute for English/American Studies
Institute of Dutch Studies
Institute of Slavic Studies
Language Centre 

Heike Neunaber

Ronja Engelhard

Institute of Material Culture
Institute of Art and Visual Culture
Institute of Music
Institute for German Studies

Jennifer Dang Quang

Ronja Engelhard

School V

Institute of Physics

Petra Rölle

Jörg Kraft

Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences / COAST

Daniel Aldag

Jörg Kraft

Susanne Gayk (COAST)

Institute of Chemistry

Sabine Porath

Susanne Gayk

Institute of Mathematics

Anja Sander

Keno Stellmann

Branch office
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM)

Sabine Adams

Heike Gronau

Central Facility BI

Anja Sander

Heike Gronau

School VI

Branch office
Department for Human Medicine
Department of Medical Physics and Acoustic

Marcel Klotz

Cedric Meißner

Department of Health Services Research
Department of Psychology (except Applied Neurocognitive Psychology Lab)

Birgit Kremer

Cedric Meißner

Department of Neuroscience
Department of Psychology (only Applied Neurocognitive Psychology Lab)
Laboratory animal facility

Daniel Aldag

Cedric Meißner


Divisions of the central administration

Divisions 1, 2 and 4

Sabine Porath

Susanne Gayk

Division 3

Daniel Aldag

Keno Stellmann

Units of the presidential chair

Office of the Board
Office for Legal Matters and Committee Supervision

Daniel Aldag

Marius Mergen

Department for Research and Transfer
AGBS (Occupational Health and Safety, Biological Safety and Radiation Protection)

Imke Hansjürgens

Marius Mergen

Department for Study Affairs
Internal auditing

Jennifer Dang Quang

Marius Mergen

Structural Planning and Development Unit

Sabine Adams

Marius Mergen

Press and Communication
DISM (Data protection and Information Security Management)

Anja Sander

Marius Mergen

Central units


Petra Rölle

Jörg Kraft

Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L)
Psychological counselling service (PCS)
University Sports Centre
Equality office
Staff council
Students' Committee

Jennifer Dang Quang

Marius Mergen

Library Information System (BIS) and IT-Services

Personnel Service,
only student assistants

School I

School II

School III

School IV

School V

Institute of Physics
Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences

Jörg Kraft

Institute of Chemistry

Susanne Gayk

Institute of Mathematics

Keno Stellmann

Branch office
Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM)
Central Facility BI

Heike Gronau

School VI

Central Units


Jörg Kraft

Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L) / University Sports Centre / Psychological counselling service (PCS) / Equality body / Staff council / Students' Committee

Marius Mergen

Job Evaluation

Schools I, II, III, IV and VI, Jade HS

Melanie Boyken

Divisions and Central Units

Natascha Pantelis

School V, Library Information System BIS, IT-Services, Jade HS

Manuela Sassen

Jade University of Applied Sciences (Jade HS)

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