
Academic Study and Teaching

At the University of Oldenburg, diversity-conscious social pedagogy can be studied in the Bachelor's degree programmes in Pedagogy and Pedagogical Action in the Migration Society (PHM) as well as in the Master's degree programme in Education and Educational Sciences, each with a designated focus.

The courses offered in the subject master's program are built on the content of the bachelor's program. In the Educational Studies at the University of Oldenburg, the focus lies on the diversity of social relations of difference and thus the diversity of the respective living conditions and life plans of individuals is addressed and critically reflected upon. The cornerstones of the understanding of diversity-conscious Social Pedagogy/Social Work are the perspectives of intersectionality, subject orientation and anti-discrimination.

Please Note: Basically, these are subjects with predominantly German language teaching.


Fach- oder Zwei-Fächer-Bachelor | sechssemestrig

In the six-semester Bachelor's degree program in Education, both the subject and the two-subject Bachelor's degree can be studied with the field of study Diversity-conscious Social Pedagogy in the advanced curriculum.

Diversity-conscious Social Pedagogy is an action-oriented science and a reflective practice, connected with respective content-related, thematic and methodological demands and challenges. In the context of theory-practice references, (self-)reflective processes of engagement within these contexts should be made possible during the study program in discourse and dialogue. Theories are to be understood more as - critical - question complexes/question backgrounds to practice (and less as ready answers or generally valid predictions). Based on this understanding, the promotion of attentions and perceptions should go hand in hand with the development of an "investigative" attitude in studies. This also includes the respective reflection on the educational biography (self-critical reflection on one's own stereotypes/prejudices accompanied by the questioning/perception of possible own contributions to the reproduction of social inequality), the study and career-related goals as well as the examination of the theory-practice relationship. With regard to the professional identity to be expected in each case, these processes of reflection enable the formation of a prejudice-conscious attitude, among other things, with regard to social power and domination/dominance relations, social inequalities or social (in)justice, exclusions, attributions, discriminations and much more.

A central component of the Bachelor's program is the three-semester practical research project program, which focuses on exploring real possibilities, challenges, problems/paradoxes and conflicts, as well as testing approaches to solutions in (social) pedagogical fields of work and practice.

More about the subject Bachelor's program

More about the two-subject Bachelor's program

Pedagogical Action in the Migration Society (PHM)

Bachelor | viersemestrig

The four-semester Bachelor's degree program Pedagogical Action in the Migration Society (PHM) is primarily aimed at migrated and refugee persons who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification abroad and whose educational biographies are usually characterised by interruptions and obstacles.

Thematic focuses and perspectives of anti-discrimination, subject orientation and intersectionality are analysed in depth and critically reflected in the teaching. Study contents of diversity-conscious and racism-critical social work in the migration society sensitise with regard to social (de-) privileging processes (majority/immigration society) along various orders of difference (including social class/class, gender, migration relations).

In addition to subject-oriented focal points in the Bachelor's degree programs, the program also includes a professionalisation area in which self-selected contents from several reference disciplines of a wide-ranging study program are studied and enable reciprocal points of connection to one's own field of study. With the help of this extended professionalisation, the acquisition of various key competences is intended to form and further develop a later professional aptitude with regard to an action-oriented practice - this also promotes in-depth reflection of diversity-conscious and difference-sensitive attentions (e.g. in the module "Managing Diversity").

More about the study program

Education and Educational Sciences

Fachmaster | viersemestrig

Diversity-conscious Social Pedagogy represents a four-semester independent specialisation in the consecutive Master's program in Education and Educational Sciences.

It is one of three in-depth specialisations alongside Migration and Education as well as Educational Management and Media Didactics in the Context of Lifelong Learning.

The specialisation for this takes place from the second semester. Particular attention is paid to the – research-oriented – specialisation with regard to the aspects of heterogeneity ("as a normal case") and difference as well as their relevance for pedagogical action.

More about the study program

Further links

A directory of the modules offered in each degree program:

Module directory

The study options offered at Oldenburg University:

Study options

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