
Dr. Birte Lipinski
Head of Department for Research and Transfer

+49 (0)441 798-5478


Prof. Dr. Martin Heidenreich

Education and Social Participation

Education and Social Participation

This research focus, which combines the research of the three institutes of Faculty I, focuses on research into education and social inequality from a social and educational science perspective. The research spectrum includes basic and application-oriented regional, supra-regional and international (partly multidisciplinary) cooperation projects.

From a social science perspective, the focus is on the analysis of educational inequalities. This includes questions about the intergenerational mobility of education and social status, the dynamics of educational inequalities in the life course and the concrete diffusion channels of inequality. It also deals with the accumulation and consolidation of social disadvantages, as inadequate educational profiles often go hand in hand with disadvantages and exclusion in other fields. This raises the question of how the accumulation of disadvantages can be counteracted through the further development of labour market, education and social policies and the importance of international organizations such as the EU or the OECD.

From an educational science perspective, the focus is on the analysis of systemic permeability and participation in education. On the one hand, the focus is on the institutional and structural barriers and interfaces of the education system itself, which lead to selectivity, drop-outs and a lack of participation in education. On the other hand, the structures, processes and effects of educational policy and pedagogical interventions for participation and inclusion and for quality improvement in the education system are investigated. In addition, research is being conducted into how successful educational trajectories, processes and transitions of children and young people as well as personal and social skills can be promoted.

The perspectives pursued in several major research projects are now reflected in various doctoral programs. However, the promotion of academics in qualification phases is also of particular importance at Faculty I.

Currently, doctoral students are supported across all institutes by the following doctoral and graduate programs:

Further joint national and international collaborative projects will emerge from the existing collaborations and beyond.

In the following pages you will find a description of the institutes, their main research areas and an overview of current third-party funded projects. Third-Party founded research.

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