
  • Ocean Plastics Lab exhibition at Schiffbauerdamm, Berlin, Germany [Photo: Dr. S. Riexinger, ICBM].

Ocean Plastics Lab in Berlin

In Germany, the Ocean Plastics Lab may be visited until 29 October on the river Spree near the Reichstag building. Berlin is the sixth stop of the travelling exhibition on facts and research around plastic litter in the oceans, after Turin, Brussels, Paris, Washington D.C. and Ottawa. The project was initialised by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research together with the German Marine Research Consortium, supported by the European Commission and international partners from politics and science.

Oldenburg. In Germany, the Ocean Plastics Lab may be visited until 29 October on the river Spree near the Reichstag building. Berlin is the sixth stop of the travelling exhibition on facts and research around plastic litter in the oceans, after Turin, Brussels, Paris, Washington D.C. and Ottawa. The project was initialised by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research together with the German Marine Research Consortium, supported by the European Commission and international partners from politics and science.

Four exhibition containers invite visitors to adopt the role of scientists and to explore the extent and impact of plastics in the ocean. ICBM participates in this exhibition with video clips and exhibits on the distribution of plastic litter in the North Sea as well as on the project „Macroplastics“.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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